Pagan Wiccan


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Happy Maundy Thursday

Happy Maundy Thursday
Today is Holy Thursday, also known as "Maundy Thursday", which comes from the word 'mandatum' or 'commandment'. Taken from the Gospel of John (which is read in Mass tonight) during the service of washing of the feet.

John 13:34 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."We all have a little Peter in us. We don't like being served by others. We want to be self-sufficient and able to do it ourselves. Well, in the spiritual life, it is impossible to do it ourselves. In fact, we can do nothing without the help of Christ.

So, today, of all days, we need to let Christ serve us, wash us, and love us. In order that we can do the same for others.

Lord help us love and serve one another this Holy Thursday, as you have loved and served us!

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