Pagan Wiccan


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I Am Very Empathetic Towards Other People

I Am Very Empathetic Towards Other People
"I need some help. I am very empathetic towards other people, it is so extreme that my emotions will match theirs without me even realizing it. I am trying to distance myself a little bit, but I can't help but feel really bad for people. It gets so bad I've even fallen into a small depression again. Do you know any advice, meditations, spells, or rites that can help me be able to not have my emotions match other people's?"

I understand this issue more than you know. I myself, am very intuitive and at times, I have found myself taking on the emotions of others. First things first, you do not need to feel bad about having this ability, however you should understand having this ability is taking on a responsibility to yourself. In my personal experience, I have had the same problems and it took me time to master the ability to protect myself. You are currently experiencing the depression because of the energy you take on from others. When someone has this type of intuition, it is easy to know what they are feeling, how they are feeling, and often the most dangerous is to actually experience their feelings. My suggestion to you is to perform a protection ritual or spell, and or build a protection bottle. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Cleanse yourself of negative energies given off by other people:

-Visualize a tiny hole in the small of your back, move the negative energies, and emotions of other people down toward the hole letting it drain out into the Earth. Do this until you feel the emotions of others leave your body.

-When you are ready, visually close that small dark hole, and embrace yourself, visualize yourself filling up with white light.

2. Cleanse yourself, your aura, and your chakras as well as your home (because we know that energy lingers)

-Do this by taking a cleansing bath filled with your favorite aromatherapy, I find that Lavender is a good relaxation oil, and a few drops in the bathwater is good for the soul

-When you are finished with your bath, sage yourself. Light a sage stick, encircle yourself in the smoke starting at the tip of your head and all the way to the tip of your toes.

-While smudging yourself, say "Smoke of sage encircle me, rid me of all negativity", repeat this as long as it takes you to smudge yourself

-Start at the back of your home if a single level and upstairs if you have a two story, and move counter-clockwise around the room making sure to hit each corner and window and repeat "I see only pure reflected light, I am ridding this house of all negativity, and negative emotions, O' Blessed Be." Repeat over and over again until you are finished.

-Chant as you smudge each room. When you get to the front and back doors, keep chanting the above chant with the door open, and make a sweeping motion out of the door, sweeping the negativity and depressive feelings out the door.

-Once done with the smudging, go around the home and salt it. That is, take sea salt (regular salt works if you don't have sea salt), and take pinches of it and spread it along the walls and into all corners and window sills. Remember to keep chanting until you reach the front or back door.

Lastly is the protection sachet:

3 parts Dill seed

2 parts Caraway seed

1 part Flax seed

1 pinch Salt

Place all herbs in a white or red cloth and tie up. Carry with you for protection.

On a side note, while the above may work, if this is a situation that occurs regularly, regardless of the person or situation, you need to center and ground yourself before meeting up with others or before going into large crowds. Because of your empathy and ability to feel what others feel, you could be affected by psychic vampires, and be completely drained of all good energy. Ground and center, those are the keys, remember to protect yourself by saying "these are not my emotions or feelings, I am not responsible for their feelings, I am responsible for only mine" If you feel yourself being taken in by someone or you are aware that it is occurring, please remember to take a step back, take a break and re-ground and re-center and re-protect. Soon you will know exactly how to handle these situations. Best of luck.

Blessed Be

Selu Haruspex, Guest Writer
