Pagan Wiccan


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Agnosticism Conflating Atheists With The Unchurched

Agnosticism Conflating Atheists With The Unchurched
I've had lengthy conversations with two Christian friends recently on the question of atheists and people who do not go to church. I found that they confuse the two types of people and conflate roles and characteristics. In a conversation about prison ministry, they repeated the Christian canard that prisons are full of atheists. I countered with statistics showing that almost all inmates believed in god or professed a religion of some sort. My friends asserted that prisoners declare a believe in God, but they are atheists. Their reasoning was simple, if they were Christians, they would not be in prison. I usually get a headache at this point.

I explained that atheists are people who assert that there are no gods. People who profess a believe in God are theists, but they may not be Christians because they do not
My only weapon is dialog. I repeat myself as often as I can. I tell the story every time the question comes up. I even ask that my friends re-tell the story. I think its important to clarify things so that it paints the proper characterization. I'm not looking for god. I'm not interested in going to church or in religion at all. I think I speak for my fellow atheists. We are not the droids you are looking for.
Benjamin Rowe - The Lotus Of The Temple Contacting Extraterrestrial Influences With The Enochian Temple

Troth Aor - Odinism What Is It The Odinic Rite

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