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When Icebergs Melt Into Rainbows

When Icebergs Melt Into Rainbows
"Love is the vital core of the soul, and of all you see, only love is infinite."~Rumi


Earth Magic Oracle Cards

Click On The Images To View Larger"This is quite a tough post to write as it contains some deeply personal information. Information that is not generally shared...BUT...

In order to Transform...Grow...and Learn we must sometimes face those things we'd much rather sweep under the proverbial rug. I also feel strongly in sharing our stories because it is within these stories we can connect, heal and know we are not alone.

As of late, my life has been in turmoil and chaos. Two things I strive to not allow entrance into my life. Life, on the other hand, will make it's presence known if there are things we choose to deny, hide or push away what we fear or are too painful to confront. It is only until we seek to heal those wounds or seek for those answers, our lives will not only remain the same but it will also remain in a state of chaos.

I prefer to live Happy! How about you?

It has been hard to go through the day without wanting to climb in bed and go back to sleep. To be fully alone. Not wanting a single person around!

It is even hard to want to meditate, perform Reiki self-healing or even finish my crystal classes (I'm SO close to finishing) all the while knowing these are the things I need the most to move forward and to stay healthy.

Eating is also a chore. All the everyday things we do become exaggerated and move in slow motion...

And it hurts...

The Heart and Spirit Hurt...

In desperate need of guidance, I looked to my Earth Magic Oracle Deck. At first I only pulled one card to work with for the day but after what the card revealed, I decided to sit and do a reading.

Here is the first card I chose before moving onto my reading:


"We see power all around us. It's in the mountains, meadows, and clouds-in fact, in every expression of Nature-yet there isn't a more dramatic display of Nature's power than Lightning...Lightning sharpens our senses and triggers fear and awe. This demonstration of the Power of Creation is yet another way to remind us that we are not in control of the natural world"-Steven Farmer-Earth Magic Oracle Cards

The power is available to you, the force of Life itself, is neutral. It is neither good or bad. It just is. I feel this card invoked in me the understanding that no matter what, we only have control over ourselves. Through our own Spirituality can we change and grow.

For those who make the choice NOT to utilize the power they have within themselves, no matter how much your heart breaks. It is completely up the individual to walk their own path. And as a mother, I need to learn to allow that to unfold however it may.

I have faced this lesson time and again and although logically I know this, sometimes the heart gets in the way and makes it hard to accept that some things just are. When you love someone so much it hurts (as in your children) it is only then you realize it's time to detach with love. At least that is what they say and what I have attempted to try and do...One of my life's most difficult lessons.


We have loved our children from the moment we find out we are pregnant until our last breath and we dream of giving them a wonderful life and the tools so they, themselves can prosper and grow. What happens when your dreams and reality hit? Life!

One of the ways to harness your own power can be through ritual and mindful meditation. Getting as close to Spirit as you can in whatever way works for you. It is having Faith that the Universe and our Creator will answer our prayers.

Today's Oracle Layout:

Card 1-Represents the Issue


"The massiveness of the mountain evokes a sense of impenetrable and immovable strength and stature. A mountain's quiet, resolute immensity leaves us in awe and inspires us to reach for greater heights. Yet, it can also pose challenges."-Steven Farmer-Earth Magic Oracle Cards"It makes no sense to deny the strength you have at the cost of allowing yourself to be reactive and subject to external influences far beyond what is healthy for you. The current situation calls for you to be diligent, but to the point of fear or paranoia."-Steven Farmer-Earth Magic Oracle Cards"Standing steady as a rock is what is called for now. Cultivating a solid resolve and not breakdown into an emotional mess. In the past, as hard as I tried, I could easily be swayed even when knowing if I did would be detrimental to my peace of mind.

My present circumstance needs for me to feel the mountains strong presence, their unwillingness to yield, their slow dependability. Meditating about how the mountains strength could help me strengthen my resolve and purpose.

Feeling its ancient earth presence and knowing that where ever I am, I am connected to this strength.

Card 2-Subconscious influence of which you are unaware

Earth Magic Oracle Cards


"Although the top most portion of an iceberg can easily be seen, there's still a massive amount of its body below the water that may be difficult to detect. And that which remains unseen can fool us and perhaps even be dangerous and damaging."-Steven Farmer-Earth Magic Oracle CardsWhatever is suppressed or denied will continue to show up somehow, somewhere and usually at the most inopportune times.

Truth be told, I have submerged my life in a lot of shame and guilt. Shame for some of the choices I have made that in turn caused damage to the two people I love more than anything else...My Children! Parenting through shame and guilt does not make a very pretty picture.

Guilt for allowing people and situations to dictate my life and not leaving sooner. Submerged in anger at myself for not being there emotionally at the times I was needed. This is YEARS in the making and sifting through all the layers has been a slow and painstaking process.

Submerged in deep seated anger at my ex for tearing apart my children and the naive person I was allowing it to happen all the while thinking...hoping and praying that tomorrow will get better!

Submerged in self-hate for years and years. Living with the *if only's*, wishing that I can could start over...

But I can and I did! Through the Grace of the Divine Source, I stumbled my way through the mess and out to the other side unscathed...Well, somewhat!.

Transformed and New!

In today's reading though I find that I am still submerged in those same feelings of shame and guilt. Maybe not as intense but they still linger and it is up to me only to confront, move through and heal.

Card 3-External influence of which you are aware

Earth Magic Oracle Cards

Tsunami~Wake-Up Call (I have received this card TWICE now)

"This message reminds me of the lessons of the Root Chakra, to follow your instincts. This week it is time to examine if we are ignoring, avoiding, or denying something or someone in our lives. Somewhere in your gut my words are penetrating to a place that is stirring something in you, something that says, move, and this is our deep inherit instinct.This wake-up call does not have to be a scary thing, in fact it can become worse by avoiding the issue, because you are denying yourself relief from this fear; and fear is limiting. Respond to your wake-up call and find your relief."-My Reiki LifeLike I said before this card has come up twice for me now and it is BLARING and SCREAMING at me. If I were to be brutally honest I would have to say that I need to get my head out of the sand (nicer way of putting it) and stop pushing aside those issues surrounding my daughter and begin to walk through it~

The only way to the other side of any problem is not to go around it, or under it, or over it..One Must Walk Through it to get to the other side.

My feelings do not matter. It is my daughter's feelings and happiness that matter and although I am supportive of her, my own fears and thoughts get in the way. For my daughter's happiness to grow, she needs her Mom there 100%...Present and Accounted For!

In regards to my son, this is a true wake-up call for me to finally learn Detachment With Love...As hard and heart-breaking at times it will be, the only way to my own piece of mind is to find resolution within myself to Love him as much as I do but to stop enabling him and allow him to walk his own path, however painful it may be.

No matter how painful the process is for me! It's time for me to Live too!

Card 4-What is required for resolution

Earth Magic Oracle Cards


"Rainbow's hold the promise of tomorrow, our dreams, abundance and freedom from stress. So remember that tomorrow will never come, there is only ever today so make the most of now and enjoy doing it!Capture that essence of childhood that is still there within you and try and keep it at the forefront of your thoughts and feelings today. So you have a problem? OK, weigh it down with all your blessings. Problems are just stepping stones to a calm, peaceful and abundant life. They could even be called blessings themselves."-Indigo's Reading Blog Remember that rainbows can even straddle mountains and melt icebergs!

Through everything I have been confronted with as of late, the one thing that has become my Mantra-My Daily Prayer is The Five Reiki Precepts:

Just For Today I Will Not WorryJust For Today I Will Not AngerI Will Count my Many BlessingsI Will Do My Work HonestlyI Will Be Kind To All Living Creatures!

Every obstacle...Every Problem Holds Lessons For Us All and I Choose To Look For Those Lessons With an Open Heart and Mind!

Card 5-Resolution

Shaman~Ancient Healing Wisdom

"The solid presence of this Native American man, there is no judgement, no ego, just the sense of a strong inner knowing. The role of the Shaman is to heal, and to do this takes work on the spirit level. "All illnesses, whether physical, emotional, or psychological, stem from an illness of Spirit." We can look at our relationship with Spirit and examine if we need to heal on some level.According to Dr. Farmer, a Shaman lives his life in ceremony, with reverence for all living things"-My Reiki LifeI am not surprised at seeing this card as the Resolution for my present circumstances.

Delving into Spirit...

Connect With Spirit...

Having Faith and Truly Believing in Spirit and Within Myself!

Reiki has opened this up for me on a level I wish I could adequately describe. Through my work as a Reiki Practitioner in combination with utilizing the healing power of crystal healing, Spirit has been talking to me all along.

I think now is the time Spirit and I have a Deep Conversation!

Tags: the charge of the dark godde  daily meditation twilight path  myth icaru  acred symbol of ancient  pachamama incan earth mother  the hindu deitie  warlocks vs pagan