Pagan Wiccan


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Today I Begin My Service To The Goddess

Religion Belief Journal I Did It
Last night, I put out my moon water to recharge, as well as my bowl of crystals and my new necklace.

I brought out the moonwater first, stood with it in my hands facing the moon, and asked Goddess for blessings on it. Next I brought out my glass bowl of crystals with my necklace and money charm in it.

I held this up to the moon as well, asking for blessings.

Then I just stood there, offering myself.

The earth didn't move, the world didn't change.

At least, not the world around me.

I asked for blessings, for peace on my path. I asked for love and guidance and knowledge.

Something clicked inside me, a key turned in a lock and I felt open and connected.

When I went to bed, before I fell asleep, I saw myself involved in the Great Rite on a beach, under the watchful and loving moon, with a man inside a sacred circle.

The scene changed and I saw myself again in a scene with the same man.

I vibrated, I felt a connection and a presence of the Goddess or the man, who is to say.

The man, however, was symbolic I believe. As evidenced by the Great Rite on the beach.

All this while awake, my dreams last night were insignificant.

Today I begin my service to the Goddess. I think I have given myself to her and the God. I think the images in my head confirmed that I am part of both.

I am blessed.

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