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Women Ordination Is A Christological Error

Women Ordination Is A Christological Error
I came across a fine book review in First Things by Monica Migliorino Miller, which you may read in its entirety by clicking here. She has made a very good point, namely that the error of women's "ordination" violates Christological dogma. I quote a few lines below:

"Christ is the Lord of history, he is the Lord of his Church. Behind the 'fundamental reasons' is a christological one, and while the Church's documents insist on Christ's freedom, it is the theologian's task to explain why this is important...the theological reasons are absolutely necessary unless we are to accept that Christ's will is arbitrary and shrouded in an unfathomable mystery that makes no sense to believers...The theology of an all-male priesthood has to do with the complementary/nuptial meaning of human sexuality and Christ's masculine identity as bridegroom to the Church-a marital "I/Thou" relation that forms the very order of the covenant of salvation itself...there are trinitarian, christological, and metaphysical reasons for Christ's incarnation as a male...The ban on women priests is not simply a matter of the Church remaining true to a fact-Christ only chose men-but a matter of the Church remaining faithful to the fundamental truth of the relation between the order of redemption and the order of creation-an order the Church has no power to undo."

All of these lines are excellent, because Christology is the issue in the Women's "Ordination" debate. And yet, these excellent points show why all of our arguments over the years have not so much as slowed the tide of apostasy in this matter. How can we talk about theology to people who answer with sociology, political theory and trendy psychology? We are up against a kind of blindness that carries culpability, indeed, a form of "willful" ignorance. Why do they fail to see the priesthood as a theological subject? Why do they think of it in strictly political terms? Such blindness is sinful because it involves volition, the will not to see.

In January I posted a blog article in response to a piece by Frederica Matthews-Green, because, with all due respect for her, I did not accept her idea that the significance of the priesthood can be reduced to what happens at the altar. It is the most important part, yes, but not the whole. In so doing, I wrote something very relevant to this whole subject, which can be found here.

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