Pagan Wiccan


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Herb Gardening The Ancient Way

Herb Gardening The Ancient Way
The traditional wiccan herb garden is in the shape of a five-pointed star set inside a nine foot circle. Choose a sunny area, preferably a private spot. Map out the circle by inserting a broken limb at the center. Tie one end of a four and a half foot string loosely about the limb and the other end to the handle of your athame. Pulling the string taut from the center, trace a nine foot circle on the ground.

The ideal time to begin is in the fall during a waning moon in a barren moon sign. Consecrate the entire area with incense and purified water. Consecrate your garden tools as well, asking for the Gods' blessings. Then begin turning the soil to a depth of 13 inches. Remove any weeds to your compost pile and break up any large clods of earth. Cover the area with several inches of compost or natural fertilizer and leaves. This can be left to winter over. Turn over lightly again in the spring.

If you had rather begin in the spring, wait until the soil has warmed up and be sure to add only composted manure to the garden plot. Remove any rough debris and turn up the nine foot circle of earth. The top point of the star should be in the North. Use a compass or go to the garden spot on a clear night and locate the North Star which is always on a direct line out from the top of the Big Dipper's cup. With more string, lay out a five pointed star inside the circle. In the center of the star place a special stone or rock painted with the sun's symbol or a growth rune.

We chose to use the center of our magick garden for a water garden with lotus, water lilies, oxygenating plants and gold fish. At night the reflection of the moon in the water is an added bonus. A tub water-garden will work just fine. The fish take care of the mosquitoes.

This is a great water source for the birds which are only too happy to assist in insect control. Welcome them with a few bird houses and supply an occasional seed feast especially during the colder months.

Before planting seedlings or seeds refer to A Magick Garden Sun & Lunar Calendar for the fertile signs of the waxing moon. Use five perennial herbs particularly of the same growth height. Beginning toward the east, place one to three plants of the same herb in each point of the star. You can get a head start by starting your own plants from seed inside six to eight weeks before the last frost. Be sure to harden the plants before planting in the garden. You do this by setting the seedlings out in a sheltered area for a few hours a day until it is time to plant them in the ground.

Garden Chant

"With limb and string I draw a circle

On consecrated ground.

And a pentagram inscribe therein

This garden round.

I plant the seeds of charm and spell

In a waxing moon.

With love and tender care I toil

to this witch's rune.

Earth to turn,

Air to cool,

I quench the thirst with water pure.

Sun, bring forth my hardy plants

For amulet and cure.

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