Pagan Wiccan


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Are The People Who Created Religion

Are The People Who Created Religion Judaism Christianity And Islam The Same People Who Have Been Removing Christianity From Society In The 21St Century
7:36 PM

I see when religion was first brought about it was done out of goodness and looking out for the greater good. I see it being sincere and done as a way to provide hope and faith in something else that was much bigger than just your physical situation that were in. The image in my mind standing out is a poor family, they have dark skin, look to be asian or indian, and they are very poor. They look hungry and are wearing very tattering clothing. I then see a man show up and he is sharing some kind of religious words or inspiration to this family. Regardless of their situation that faith of a better life after death gives them the courage and inspiration to deal with anything, knowing in the real end of it all they will be rewarded for who they are not what they possess during this physical lifetime.

Once big power...people with money and influence realized the power behind the need people felt in faith, many, not all, but many of the churches prayed on this... I see there being very genuine and caring people in religion, but a lot has been corrupted, much like politics, government and other things that were once good.

I see the people that introduced religion as good hearted and positive souls. They really believed in what they preached {I see and feel passion and compassion]. I see when it was introduced some people really fought the ideas and concepts behind religion.. I keep getting images of pagan symbols... as if religion really competed with these symbols.. it was a hard fight to make people believe, but the people that pushed REALLY believed in what they said even if it was wrong.


A. I see two things going on.. One, and I see this mostly with communist countries.. Religion gives hope and provides something to really focus and believe in. These countries want the focus to be preservation in the country itself. They also don't want the distraction. If people have nothing else to really believe in, then they have to worry about this current life and what they are doing with it, rather than think they going to a heaven or "greater place."

Two, Many people are starting to "awaken" or question things. We have so much technology and information, people can ponder and research things that don't add up. Rather than take things on pure faith because that is what you are told or taught, people question it. I'm getting images of people reading much more on the internet and social groups like forums being developed.. People compare notes and experiences. People, well some people are much more in tune universal energy and knowledge...


A. I don't see the decreased following of religion being manifested by the same people that are creating the New World Order. In very controlling countries, such as China, I see this as a government tactic... In the US, it may be a little from the government, but mostly it is people who are becoming more freethinkers I see the the New World Order being something separate. if looks completely disconnected from religion... When I focus on the New World Order, I see the concept being more of how government is organized and run rather than having a certain or absence of religion.. I can't see a definite tie between the the two.

That is all that I see.. Thank you,

8:03 PM Link to Audio
