Pagan Wiccan


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Crystal Points Set Bloodstone Quartz Rose

Crystal Points Set Bloodstone Quartz Rose Quartz And Tiger Eye 15 00
Crystals are objects of beauty and power. They can lend you energy, protect you, cleanse your spirit and even aid you in healing. Over the centuries various Gemstones and Crystals have held a great mystical appeal to humans. Our ancestors knew and understood the spiritual, magickal and healing properties of gemstones and crystals. Now they're magick is being rediscovered.

Bloodstone: Ranges from being a dark green to a greenish blue with red spots that resemble blood. Bloodstone can heighten your intuition as well as increasing your creativity and balance when used for grounding and protection. This stone can draw away negative energy from your environment, helping reduce stress, reduce irritability, aggressiveness and impatience.

Clear Quartz: Known for its ability to aid in one's psychic development. Helps to amplify your psychic energy. It corresponds to all zodiac signs, and is a pure and powerful energy source. It receives, activates, stores, transmits, and amplifies energy. Stimulates brain functions and activates all levels of consciousness. Excellent for meditation. Brings harmony to the soul.

Rose Quartz: Rose quartz promotes love, balance, healing, soothing, calming crystal that is known to promote love and healing. It helps to bring clarity to the heart and is a valuable tool when doing ritual work that focuses on emotional release, balance and peace. It helps to clear negative emotions such as jealousy, anger and fear, and also eases heartache and psychic traumas.

Tiger Eye: Tiger's eye is a mystical looking gemstone that resembles a cat's (domestic and exotic) eye. It is believed simply gazing into it can calm your mind. Used in meditation to help the mind focus. Tiger's eye is used as a protective stone against negative energy. Magical properties of this stone are courage, energy, luck and divination. Tiger's eye is ruled by the Sun. Holding it in your hands can promote courage and confidence whenever you need it.

* Crystals size range from 1 inch to 3 inches. Photo of the crystals you will be receiving. What you see is what you get.

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