Pagan Wiccan


Here you can explore information about the Witch, Wiccan and Pagan lifestyles. Learn about Pagan holidays, moon phases, animal guides,candle magic, healing herbs and more, then find the books, jewelry and magical supplies you need. We have no content which would be considered of an offensive nature by those of open mind. If you have concerns in this regard, please review our site prior to allowing your children or teenagers to visit. May The God and Goddess Bless You on Your Journey!

Mage The Awakening Visualizing Supernal Sights

Mage The Awakening Visualizing Supernal Sights
How do you visualize the supernal sights in Mage games? In session we always gave a very apt description on what information was relevant to the situation "I cast mage sight on the fountain" - "The water flows bright with magic. You can tell without hazarding much guesswork that it is filled with liquid tass"

Now that I'm bringing sights in to my webcomic I am having to invent a visual style for them. So far I have only used Third Eye I'm thinking of a pixelated grid for Matter sight. Green filter and highlighting any past/present wounds on a sprite via Life sight... Death Sight I want to make everything monochrome and empty. Maybe cloudy/misty for spirit sight.

It's when I get to Luck/Time sight that I'm having a little bit of difficulty imagining things.

What do you guys mentally envision when these sights are active?

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