Anthropology Of Religion: Fetish
Posted by
/ 5:03 AM /
Copyright 1995 by Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc.
A fetish is an object believed to have magical powers; it may be either a natural object, such as a shell, or an artifact, such as a wood carving. The word is derived from the Portuguese feitico, meaning a charm, talisman, or AMULET. Portuguese sailors coined the term in the 15th century when they observed the veneration that West-Coast Africans had for such objects, which they wore on their persons.
The most important aspects of the fetish are that it is believed to embody the power of the sacred and that it is portable, making it always accessible to the bearer. Auguste Comte and Charles de Brosses interpreted the fetish as a basis for their theories concerning the origin of religion. Today the term is popularly used to refer to an object or idea that receives superstitious or unquestioning trust or reverence. It is also used in psychiatry to refer to the inordinate or pathological fascination a person may have for an inanimate object.
Charles H. Long
Bibliography: Milligan, Robert H., Fetish Folk of West Africa (1912; repr. 1970); Nassau, Robert H., Fetishism in West Africa: Forty Years' Observation of Native Customs and Superstitions (1904; repr. 1977).
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Michaelmas The Christianized Mabon
Posted by
/ 4:10 PM /
"September 29th is a medieval holiday which the Church Christianized under the label of "MICHAELMAS," a feast in honor of the Archangel Michael. It is thought that the Roman Catholic Church at some point considered assigning the quarter dates to the four Archangels, since they had assigned the cross quarters to the four gospel-writers. Making the Vernel Equinox a holiday called "GABRIELMAS" was taken into consideration in honor of the angel Gabriel's announcement to Mary on Lady Day.
This Sabbat can also be known as: the Second Harvest Festival, Feast of Avalon, Cornucopia, Wine Harvest, the Fall Equinox, Harvest Home, the Autumnal (OR AUTUMN) Equinox, Festival of Dionysus, Alban Elfed (CALEDONII, DRUIDIC), Winter Finding (TEUTONIC), or Equinozio di Autunno (STREGA).
The full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox is called the Harvest Moon, and farmers would harvest their corps by this moonlight as part of the Second Harvest celebration.
Blog Post 149 Witch Wars
Posted by
/ 7:21 PM /
The term "witch wars" comes up frequently in discussions about neo-Pagan community infighting, as shorthand for the feuding and vitriolic verbal sparring that happens periodically between rival groups. Such wars, however, have not always been barbs exchanged over message boards or smear campaigns between unfriendly covens. The nature of magical practice has almost guaranteed that so long as one witch could cast a spell, another could undo it.
So how do witches fight witches? With magic, of course, but so many of these tales involve what seems to be a battle of wills between two equally gifted magical workers. Strangely, while a witch might attack a person or family, when the witch-doctor enters the picture and counter-attacks the witch, the witch-doctor is seldom targeted back during the battle. Most of the witch-doctor's services are more geared towards revealing the identity of a witch and providing victims a way to remediate their own problems. This is true in both New World and Old, as scholar Owen Davies demonstrates in his seminal text on English cunning folk, "Popular Magic":
"The cure of witchcraft could be effected in three main ways: by going straight to the source and tackling the witch either physically or through the law courts; by breakin the spell at a distance via magical rituals; or by using a mix of herbs and charms to expel the witchcraft from the patient's body. Cunning-folk were instrumental in facilitating all these methods,and they sometimes employed a combination of all three...the client saw what they wanted to see; in other words, the person they already suspected. The process was one of confirmation rather than detection..." ("Popular Magic, "Davies, 106-7)
The biggest step in fighting a witch was determining who he or she was. Then, a magical remedy would be applied to disrupt the spell which was affecting the victim. This might involve scalding milk from a bewitched churn, shooting an image of the witch with a silver bullet, etc. Then, in a critical step, the witch would attempt to come to the property of the victim and either enter the home or take something from the house. There seems to be a uniform understanding that such an act must be prevented, or else the witch's power would remain or perhaps grow stronger over the victim. Davies gives one such example from England:
"In 1682 the parents of a bewitched girl named Mary Farmer were advised by 'Dr Bourn' to burn her clothes. He assured them 'that then the witch which had done her the hurt, would come in.' The parents testified in court that, having done this, a neighbor, Joan Butts entered their house, 'and tumbled down, wallowing on the ground, making a fearful and dismal noise.'" (Davies, 109)
In this case, further magical action must be taken, including smoking a cow's heart in the chimney, to break the witch's spell.
The magical battles took place between malevolent witches and the community-sanctioned (or at least tolerated) 'white witches' or 'witch-doctors' indicate that those who could fight a curse were usually fairly well known to their community. A story from Hubert J. Davis' "The Silver Bullet" tells of one such struggle, which occurred when a family sought to alleviate its suffering and bewitchment by calling in a man gifted at 'overlooking' or breaking curses. To break the curse placed on the family's child, Tim and Ada consult with this 'Quaker doctor' (most likely a Pow-wow/braucher), who provides them with a stoppered bottle into which the family's nail parings, hair, etc. are gathered, then left under the burning embers of the fire. Adding in some prayers, including a candle burning which ends with the traditional "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost" (further indication of Pennsylvania Dutch magical practice), the "tall, stinguished looking man with thick white hair and a well-trimmed moustache [and] kindly blue eyes" forbids them from letting anyone into their house for three days. Sure enough, an old woman by the name of Old Betty Orts attempts to come in, revealing her as the witch. At that point, the father strikes her head, drawing blood (which immediately saps the power of a witch), and the curse is broken ("The Quaker Doctor and His Magic Bottle," Davis, 56-8). The pattern of curse, diagnosis, prescription, attempted incursion, and final defeat of the witch is maintained.
In another account of Appalachian witch warring, an interesting and somewhat unusual battle occurs between two men (in most of these tales at least one of the magicians is female). Patrick W. Gainer recounts the battle between Uncle Johnnie and Uncle Jimmie Webb which took place over the use of a butterchurn. Uncle Johnnie, when denied use of the churn-and here it should be pointed out that the woman he wished to borrow from had two churns available, thus demonstrating the lack of social hospitality mentioned in my earlier post on the Witch's Ire-enchants it so that he may steal her butter. Uncle Jimmie then helps the churn's owner, Eliza Morris, to break the spell by whipping it with switches while churning with his left hand. This, in turn, causes Uncle Johnnie to suffer welts and undoes the enchantment ("Uncle Johnnie Bewitches the Cows, Witches Ghosts & Signs", Gainer, 142-4).
This is not, of course, a wholly good vs. evil phenomenon. Scholar Emma Wilby notes that magical folk in England often employed their magic as the situation dictated, being neither entirely helpful nor entirely harmful:
"Although some cunning folk had a reputation for being wholly good, a large proportion of them were considered ambivalent, that is, they could employ their magical powers to both help and harm...The trial records of East Lothian cunning woman Beigis Tod, who was accused of witchcraft in 1608, echo this popular perception when they claim that Beigis was known to be skilled in "both" 'on-laying and af-taiking of seiknes'. [Wilbiy's italics, short for "laying on and taking off of sickness"]." ("Cunning Folk & Familiar Spirits, "Wilby, 54)
These mixed talents were often set against each other, with one magical practitioner putting a spell on a person, place, or group of people, and another showing up to take it off. Sometimes this un-bewitching was done for free, but frequently a fee would be charged, which led some to suspect that the 'bad' witches and the 'good' witches were in league with each other and splitting the profits. One such example is the tale of "Mont and Duck" from Hubert J. Davis, in which an old couple moves into an area which suddenly begins experiencing oubreaks of illness. The community blames the newcomers, of course, but the response is interesting:
"[O]ne of their neighbors accused Mont and Duck of having cast a spell on their sick cow. Old Mont awed his accuser by readily admitting that his wife, Duck, had the power of evil, and that he could break the spells. Shortly after this, he began to offer to cure ailing animals by removing the spells on them in return for a bushel of potatoes or
Yet there are certainly accounts of magical battles in which the side of 'good' seems to be operating from a mostly altruistic stance. Arguably one of the most famous magical battles in American lore is the account of sorcerous combat between Sherrif James E. McTeer and Dr. Buzzard (presented here in quoted abbreviated form from "Low Country Voodoo", by Terrance Zepke, and also found in "American Shamans" by Jack Montgomery):
"One person who remained unimpressed with the root doctor [Dr. Buzzard, aka Stephaney Robinson] was Sheriff J.E. McTeer. He was elected in 1926 and saw many stgrange things that were attributed to Dr. Buzzard, such as people getting sick and dying or witnesses having seizure in the middle of testifying in court...The sheriff...began a lifelong study of conjuring so he could better understand it. In time he, he became known as a 'white root doctor.'...McTeer felt strongly that he was the one who could stop Dr. Buzzard once and for all...[he] issued a warning that if the witch doctor didn't stop, he would eventually bring him to justice.
The infamous root doctor was not used to being threatened. To the contrary-most folks feared or respected him too much to even think about it. The sheriff's warning mae him so mad that the witch doctor set out to ruin him. The spiritual warfare came to a halt after Dr. Buzzard's son was killed in a car crash. The conjurer believed the wreck was was the High Sheriff's doing and went to see his adversary. The root doctor told th sheriff that he respected his mantle and would leave him alone if McTeer would do the same. McTeer agreed, on the condition that Dr. Buzzard quit practicing sorcery. The conjurer thought about it for several seconds before nodding his head in agreement" ("Low Country Voodoo", Zepke, 82-4)
In this fighting-fire-with-fire version of the witch war, 'good' triumphs in the form of McTeer, though Dr. Buzzard would eventually return to his old ways with diminished success.
So, in conclusion, the witch war has not always been the genteel affair that it is today. When sharp tongues trade barbs, it can be unpleasant, but thankfully no one is stealing anyone else's butter, drawing blood from anyone else's forehead, or causing the death of someone else's child to prove a point. Or at least, I hope they're not. I think I'll go and recharge my house protection spells now...
Thanks for reading!
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Wicca 102: Self Defense And Banes
Posted by
/ 8:58 AM /
by Judy Harrow
Re: banes
I surely agree that we have every right to protect ourselves and our
"own folk" from attack. But I do believe that shield and mirror workings
are more efficient, effective and elegant at accomplishing the gocal of
self-protection. Consider this - a mirror working is perfect justice. If
I am mistaken, either that psychic attact is being done at all or about
the perpetrator, a bane will jeapordize me karmically and (if psychic
attact truly is being done by somebody other than the one I suspect)
fail to protect me. A mirror sits there passively, ignores any mistaken
paranoia that I may occasionally get, does nothing at all until and
unless an attack happens, and then sends the bad energy directly back to
the exactly deserving person or group in exactly the proper amount and
kind. A mirror is perfect justice.
A grounding shield is perfect mercy, taking bad energy and
dissipating it harmlessly. I think I already said this but I recently
talked one of my students into using a grounding shield where she would
have been perfectly entitled to use a mirror. The situation is an
ongoing battle between my students lover and his former wife. While the
ex-wife did an entirely unjustifiable attack, and would fully deserve to
have it returned full force, all this would really accomplish would be
to perpetuate the craziness, hostility and tension in the situation -
and both the couples innocent children and my student are being hurt.
Better for all concerned to ignore justice and drain as much of the
tension as possible, to make room for the healing that all of them need.
A grounding shield is perfect mercy.
But banes and bindings, while they may give short term protection,
risk your own karma, are susceptible to mistake, and may, if
misdirected, even fail of their well-intended purpose. Sure youre
entitled to self-protection. This is just a lousy way to go about it. I
guess my kind of Warrior is Athena, the wise defender.
by Hugh Read
You have a gentle way. For myself, I love Minerva who I feel is a Being unto
Herself. The concept of the Grounding Shield is clear to me...would you care
to share the practice with me. Justice has little interest for me. That
takes care of itself in the process of time. We are all amply repayed for our
varies deeds simply by wearing this body of ours. Healing is far more to the
point. The word Justice makes me cringe a bit, though long ago I came to
peace with Justice. One of my more angry prayers is May he/she have perfect
Jusice, NOW! Instant karma, NOW...and I always add, and so may it be with me.
I remember telling this to a New Age teacher a few years ago. He turned pale
and promised me auto accidents, fire, theft and robbery if I did that. Well,
I am still bopping along with my share in the chancier aspects of life
affirming perfect Justice for my self and every now and then in those very
rare (!) moments of anger instant Karma for me and whoever. I love the idea
of a shield that will ground and disperse any nasties send grovelling in my
direction. Let Healing Be the Way! Tender bliss and explosive ecstacy be
yours as the days pass softly!
by Judy Harrow
Its visualization either way. For the grounding shield, it is velvety,
absorbtive black (Oops, I should say that MINE is - you may alter this to
whatever will convince your Younger Self). Every so often along its length,
for me every 2-3 yards, there is a post somewhat like a fince post that
extends deep into the ground and is conductive like a lightening rod. Trust
mother Earth to filter any kind of energy back into simple, pure,
undifferentiated energy and recycle it to wherever it is most needed. So the
shield catches incoming energy and channels it down through the purifying
rocks. I dont know exactly how to describe physically how the shield can be
semi-permeable, allowing in the well-wishes of your friends, but, as semi
permeable membranes exist in Nature, helping each cell maintain its water/salt
balance, so can this shield. Can you conceive of a substance both velvet and
mesh? Thats how it is with me.
On the justice end of the spectrum, my own Younger Self is a bit of a
literalist. A flat mirror will not work for me, since the angle of incidence
is complementary to the angle of reflection, which means that bad energy is
actually diverted from the sender and bounced onto innocent parties. My mirror
looks like a waffle, and is optically designed to send stuff back exactly
where it came from. Its also semi-permeable, and that is even harder to
explain. I guess Younger Self is not altogether consistent.
On the issue of choosing between the two modes. Justice is a tautology. It
will do no better - and no worse - than getting you back to where you began.
It protects and maintains, but does not allow for growth. Perhaps youve read
Diana Paxons wonderful book "Red Mare, White Stallion." At the beginning, the
women of the tribe have a ritual opportunity to make a wish for the coming
year. But the heroine does something even better. When her turn comes, she
tells the Goddess "Mother, You choose." Had she chosen, she could not possibly
have received anything more than she was capable of imagining. Taking the risk
of not choosing was opening herself to surprise and transformation.
Reading that was a mind-blow for me. Since then, I have tried to take
Dianas dare as much as possible, and not limit myself to tautology. I dont
do it all the time, but I stretch toward it. The mirror/shield question
resonates with that for me.
Minerva/Athena wears a shield and helmet, and carries a spear. My Sister
is a Warrior, but always in defense of the community and always for justice.
Never for greed or domination. It is worthy to protect what you have, and
worthy to reach beyond.
Posted by
/ 7:36 PM /
Posted by
/ 9:32 AM /
The symbolism of candles has recently taken on a whole added significance as people re-explore religion and belief more thoroughly. They have always signified illumination, wisdom, strength, beauty and now signal the end of darkness or ignorance. Lit, they suggest the enduring flame of life and the use of power. Unlit, they signify potential held in reserve.PSYCHOLOGICAL / EMOTIONAL PERSPECTIVE:
Psychologically candles can represent knowledge or wisdom that has not yet fully crystallized. Used as tools, they mark our control of personal magic and dreams will often give information as to their best use. Lighting a candle to Bridget to welcome her in was transposed in the Christian church to the celebration of Candlemas on 2 February when new candles were placed in churches signifying the end of winter.
In Pagan times, the candle or taper represented the ritualistic dispersing of darkness and a way of worshipping power. To dream of candles indicates that we are trying to clarify something that we do not understand. Candles on a birthday cake can therefore indicate that we are marking a transition from the old to the new. Lighting a candle represents using courage and fortitude or asking for something which we need.
It has been suggested that the candle epitomizes masculine power (candle) and feminine passion (flame), the one being useless without the other. In a woman's dream, therefore, extinguishing a candle might suggest control of a perceived power, whereas in a man's dream it will suggest control of external factors.
"You might like to consult the entries for Fire, Light and Wax as well as the information on Phallus in Sex / Sexual Images. "
Lughnasadh By Zephra
Posted by
/ 4:00 AM /
6:00pm Aug 29
Welcome to The Circle of Seekers. Thank-you for joining us as we turn the wheel to Lammas- Lughnasadh - First Harvest. As season follows season, as snow follows summer the change is made, for darkness must follow light. From the blessing of our seeds to the dedicating of the garden, to the harvesting the fruits of our labor we have followed the cycle of the Earth. With bittersweet emotions we begin to turn toward autumn.
East: We gather as in the days of old
To celebrate this season bold.
With the breeze of East and Air
Come join our Lughnasadh fair. So mote it be.
South: To the South with Sun so bright
We celebrate this Lammas night
Feeding flames of strength and desire
Join with us the energy of Fire. So mote it be.
West: Western Waters bright and blue
Stay the course, tried and true
We invite Thee to our rite
And all the joy this harvest night. So mote it be.
North: We call upon the Northern spirits
Mother Earth to hold and cheer us
Strength and honor of Lugh's games
And invite Thee all to do the same. So mote it be.
Ruby: Welcome oh Corn Lord, golden haired son of Mother Earth and Father Sky, lover of the sovereign Goddess of the land. Sacred King who meets death at the Queen's hand.
Matt: Come great Goddess, spirit of the Earth, whose body supports us. Mother of the universe, whose milk is the stars. Spinner of fate, who weaves and measures our lives. Lady of death who cuts the thread. Be welcome here as the Queen of the harvest.
This is a celebration of plenty and prosperity.
Pour the juice: Lord and Lady, we call upon you to bless this fruit of the Earth, the blood of the Earth pressed smooth. As we drink of Thee may we learn the wisdom of God and Goddess.
Break the bread: Lord and Lady, we call upon you to bless this bread, the fruit of the womb of the Goddess, without which we would not live. As we eat of Thee may we learn the love of God and Goddess.
Lughnasadh named after the Celtic God Lugh. God of light. Nasadh means assemble or games. So the festival of Lughnasadh was characterized by games - horse racing and feats of physical prowess. It marks the high point of a season in which war-skills and hunting were still the order of the day.
Lugh of the long arm, let the fire be lit!
Let the games begin.
Our Games include Archery, Horse-shoes, Bocce-ball.
Activities are: Making a Corn Dolly, Henna, Face painting and all around fun and laughter.
Feast: We thank Goddess Gaia for this bounty of food from Her body and the God Lugh of the Sun that provides the life giving light.
Closing: E. We thank the spirits of the East for coming to our Lammas feast. So Mote It Be
N. We thank the spirits of the North, we felt your presence coming forth. So Mote It Be
W. We thank the spirits of the West, with your healing touch we know best. So Mote It Be
S. We thank the spirits of the South, your loving kiss upon our mouth. So Mote It Be
The circle is open yet unbroken, merry meet and merry part until we meet again. May the love of the Goddess be ever in your heart.
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/ 11:29 PM /
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Is Conversion Optional
Posted by
/ 11:39 PM /
Today is the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Peter the Apostle. The feast celebrates and recalls Peter's confession of faith as recorded Matthew 16:16, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.
In this moment the Holy Spirit worked to give Peter special insight, a new understanding (not a complete understanding, just read verses 21-23!), of who Jesus was and who Jesus would be for "him". For most people the concept of conversion implies a change from one set of beliefs to another, (e.g., converting from Islam to Christianity). Indeed, conversion involves matters of the intellect, as it does matters of the heart. Conversion is difficult to talk about because of its experiential nature. You can earn a degree in the historical study of religious conversion and still not understand it. In a way, conversion is a like joke, you either get it or you don't. You either see Jesus for who He is (as Peter did) or you do not. This is offensive to many people, especially to educated people, who are bothered by the idea that knowledge does not open every door. Within Christian circles the debate regarding conversion has been whether it is a one-time event or whether it is a life-long process.
The answer to this question, in the sacramental tradition, is yes. Yes, there is an event and yes it is a life-long process. This is where the term "conversion of life" comes into play. We may have a moment where we make a "decision for Christ," but that moment must give birth to an entire lifetime of growing in understanding of who Jesus is and who we are in relationship to Him. Some evangelical Christians stress the necessity of being "saved" and of being able to recall the exact moment of one's conversion. In fact, there are millions of Christians who are able to recall this moment, but there are also millions of Christians who cannot place the moment exactly. I think a good analogy here is the analogy of friendship or marriage. When did you first become friends with that person? When did you first fall in love with your spouse? Some people can point to particular moment, but some people can only say "I'm not sure. I just realized that I was that person's friend or that I had fallen in love with that person." I think this also applies to our conversion to Christ. Please don't misunderstand me, I do believe the Bible is clear that every person has to choose Christ for themselves, there are no grandchildren in the Kingdom of God.
However, the "method" or "occasion" for that personal decision varies greatly by individual and tradition. Some people clearly make that decision at baptism, or confirmation, or in response to an altar call, or by praying a sinner's prayer with another Christian. Others have always been aware of Christ in their life, but have over the years taken personal ownership of their faith. In other words, Jesus is no longer their parents God; their parents Lord and Savior; He is now their Lord, their Savior. Christians from mainline denominations run the risk of equating church attendance or participation in the sacramental system as automatic guarantees of conversion. Where evangelical Christians run the risk of limiting God by saying that conversion can only happen through a particular method (i.e., altar call). However, if you're wondering whether conversion is necessary, the answer is yes. Have you been converted? Are you being converted?
Environmentalism V Taking Dominion I
Posted by
/ 2:03 PM /
We have the right to rid our house of ants; but what we have no right to do is to forget to honor the ant as God made it, out in the place where God made the ant to be. When we meet the ant on the sidewalk, we step over him. He is a creature, like ourselves; not made in the image of God, it is true, but equal with man as far as creation is concerned.
Francis Schaeffer
Like any subject, it's probably best to try to think of the First Things. What I mean is, what are at the roots of the environmental movement? What are the primary ideas involved? How do those ideas compare with Scripture?
Now that I have asked these questions, I intend not to answer them. He he. At least not "all" of them. I want today to focus on only one of environmentalism's First Things, an underlying assumption that is primary, I believe, to understanding the movement.
It is encapsulated in the phrase "for the planet". Sometimes, I hear it termed "for the earth". I've come across this sort of thinking in much of my gardening research. Typically the author will not just say that something is better for the earth, but that they are straining to do something "for the good of the earth or the planet".
Why does this raise a red flag?
Don't worry, that was a rhetorical question.
I see this sort of reasoning as being antithetical to the idea of taking dominion. And now I will do my best to explain why.
Once upon a time, in the late 1980s, I was introduced to the idea of Gaia worship as a foundation of environmentalism. I have noticed ever since that the earth, or more rightly "E"arth, is often personified within the movement. Sometimes it is subtle, sometimes it is overt. But often, it is there, this hovering sense that the Earth is living in a "spiritual" sense. It must not only be "saved"; it must be "served". And we exist to pay her homage.
The blogger Mark, the Multifarious Modernist wrote a post on Gaia Theory back in January. In it, he mused:
...if we, conscious organisms, are indeed just an extension of Gaia {and the Universe as a whole}, then could 'she' not be said to be conscious, on some level, through us?...if Gaia does indeed exist, then does not our short sighted, self-serving exploitation of 'her' not resemble that of a cancer or harmful parasite, methodically killing it's host and hence ultimately itself?
This theory now has an increasingly strong following among many Scientists, Futurists and Environmentalists; the main criticisms concerning the quasi-religious connotations of the word Gaia and the fact that some Gaia theorists imply that the Planet will literally 'get revenge' if we continue abusing it.
For some scientists, Gaia Theory is purely metaphorical. The name was taken from an ancient pagan deity, also known as the Mother Goddess. This is akin to naming the theory Mother Nature Theory {to use a term from our own culture}. For others, however, there is a religious nature involved. For instance, we see shades of Hinduism in the form of a goddess, Buddhism in the form of all of us being not just connected, but "one."
By the way, Gaia Theory is actually a pagan interpretation of something that is mentioned in Scripture. Think of the overwhelming symbiosis of it all. Everything is held together. Dissimilar organisms live in harmony and are mutually beneficial. From the tiniest atom, to the farthest corners of the universe, the created world looks as if it should fall apart into chaos, and yet it never does. Colossians 1:7 explains that our Lord was before all things "and holds them all together". It is His will and purpose that Gaia Theory is attempting to explain.
Christians start from a very different point when thinking about these issues. Sure, we believe the earth is to be cherished. And, sure, we think it is our job to do so. It is the "why" we think these things that sets us apart in dramatic fashion.
When we head to the earliest chapters of Genesis and the creation account, we see, first of all, that the earth was planned, sculpted, "created" by the Lord we serve. That is a good enough reason to cherish and respect it. It is other than us, and yet created for us as the perfect place for us to live and build culture. However, the Bible elaborates and tells us that God created male and female and gave them the job of tending the garden. He commands them to have dominion over all the creatures and over the earth itself. The original Mr. Webster defined dominion as
Sovereign or supreme authority; the power of governing and controlling.Supreme authority means we have the right to do as we wish. However, being that we are created in God's image, and that He so tenderly crafted this world, there is, I think, an assumption that we, too, would be caring and loving in our actions toward creation.
Genesis also reveals the source of difficulty, the Fall of Man. When Man is cast out of the garden, it is said that, instead of tending a preexisting garden that is perfect in every way, and expanding it over time as they are fruitful and increase in number, they must work the ground outside of the garden. Here enters toil, sweat, and also failure. Man may slave over the ground, but it will not always yield to him. Crops may fail. Droughts may plague. Floods may destroy. The Man given the supreme authority becomes, in one sense, powerless.
Going through all of us helps us understand a few things. It is made obvious Whom we are to serve and what we are to govern. We are created to be in authority "over" the earth and its inhabitants while being in subservience to the Creator. More importantly, the account of the Fall shows us that it is "we", and not the planet, who are in need of saving.
I try to take these distinctions to heart and make sure that what I am doing is being done within a Biblical mindset. This means that, if I conserve water, I am not doing something "for the earth" {which implies that I am doing something in its service}. Rather, as one who has dominion over one small plot of land, I am making the types of decisions a responsible steward should make. I live in a desert, so I am making sure there is also enough water for my neighbors by not using more than is necessary. Because I care about the things that God has made, I will shun waste {which was considered sinful by Christians until the early 1900s}. But all of this flows from the idea that I govern the garden while serving the Lord.
Many of environmentalism's pet causes have a panic mindset to them. Global warming is the most obvious, with the outlook for all of creation being quite dour. Ted Turner recently revealed the extent of the alarmism:
We'll be eight degrees hotter in ten, not ten but 30 or 40 years and basically none of the crops will grow. Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals. Civilization will have broken down. The few people left will be living in a failed state - like Somalia or Sudan - and living conditions will be intolerable. The droughts will be so bad there'll be no more corn grown.I am not interested in debating global warming. What I am interested in is seeing Christians feel empowered to rise to their position in the created order. They do not need to worry or be reactionary. Rather, they are free to live out God's calling. They can seek wisdom and tend the garden responsibly. And they can know that, in the end, it matters that they served God well and took their dominion seriously. We can also rest in the fact that it is our Lord, and not us, who holds all created things together. These underlying assumptions, which differentiate us from secular environmentalists, also allow us to maintain the peaceful demeanor which Scripture so often attributes to believers. Internal peace is best generated by resting in actual truth.
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Saving The World No Sweat
Posted by
/ 8:36 AM /
I feel really blessed. You see, lately I have discovered that in addition to my healing powers that I was given at birth, and the offshoot powers that come with that, the Gods and Goddesses have granted me an extra ability. As it was given to me freely without my knowledge, I still haven't learnt to control it fully yet, and indeed, if I had requested this ability, it may have made the last few weeks make more sense to me.
What is this mysterious ability? The Gift of The Gods that will enable me to save The World?
The Ability to raise my core temperature to epic feverish proportions and to sweat profusely in times of stress. At first look this seems like the idea power to bestow upon a teenage boy who doesn't like school, could you imagine it? "I'm getting stressed about double maths" - cue sweat and "Miss, I feel like I'm going to pass out Good grief, boy, you're sweating profusely and running a temperature, go to the nurse and we'll get one of your parents to collect you!"
Basically, I've spent the last three weeks, with fevers and a tickly cough in my throat, yet doctors couldn't find any cause for them in fact it was dubbed "a virus" at first in order to get rid of me without the need to give me any anti-biotics. But as my persistence grew, I unfortunately got to the stage that I dread. the threat of a needle being stuck inside my skin and precious fluids extracted. I think this was the Doctor's sneaky attempt to witness my new power and/or try to steal it's secrets for himself! Immediately I was flushed and sweating profusely, despite having, a few moments before, really good Blood Pressure. To say I went to pieces at his threat was an understatement - a grown man of nearly 39 reduced to near tears (I would've cried if there was any fluid left in my body - all my water content was leaving via my forehead), oh, he made promises of Valiums to calm me, but when I last was tricked into one, over 10 years ago, it took three members of the nursing staff to restrain me, while all the time I begged them not to do it (it must've looked a bit like the scene where the Hobbits cook Gollum's fish). So there you go a fear of needles that manifest into Hulk syndrome. If Valium was enough to calm someone down, then Dr Banner would never have to Hulk out, would he?
So there we have it, my new mystery power - I'm now a Fever Guardian. When my stress gets high, my blood boils without any pressure, my head becomes a lake, my palms a pair of Icelandic Hot Spring Pools. Just to clarify, in case any of you were bothered, but after me and my beautiful wife of many lives worked this out, that my fevers started when my daughter was allowed to leave the country with her mother for good, I didn't go to the b-word test appointment, there is no way that I will let this gift fall into the wrong hands - especially as I have no idea what the off-shoot powers will be.
How will this help me Save The World? Well if I can find a way to harness this energy that I'm obviously pulling in from somewhere, then it will help the Energy Crisis. The sweaty bi-product? I could bottle it for countries with no water supply, it already has electrolytes in it, so will be classed as a medicine!
Blessings and Namaste
Diamond Lore
Posted by
/ 5:12 AM /
The gemstone for the Oak Moon is the Diamond, a sparkling precious stone, white or blue in color, also known as the "King of Crystals" and "Stone of Invulnerability." The Diamond is the hardest substance known in nature. Traditionally, it is the symbol of purity and innocence and is considered luckiest when worn on the left side of the body. It is a crystalline form of carbon and its name is derived from Ademas, which means "indomitable." It represents strength, virtue, bravery and insight, bringing these fine attributes to its wearers. The Hebrews believed that the Diamond lost its sparkle if touched or worn by a traitor and in ancient times, it was thought to drive away the Devil.
The Diamond is considered to be the greatest of all gem stones, revered throughout the ages not only for its great beauty and strength, but also for its powerful positive spiritual and physical influences. This stone is said to enhance the wearer with charm and beauty. Physically, it strengthens the kidneys and reproductive organs and gives protection against severe disease. The ancient Romans believed that the Diamond, when worn on the left side next to the skin, bestowed upon the wearer bravery and daring. During the Middle Ages Queen Elizabeth I was made a gift of a Diamond to ward off the plague and Napoleon carried a sword with a Diamond in the hilt to assure victory in battle.
Ancient writings tell of a Diamond which hung about the neck of Abraham which could cure the illness of any man who gazed upon it. It is said that when Abraham died, the Lord sealed the gem within the Sun. Even today, the Diamond engagement ring remains the accepted token of promised love and loyalty. It is thought that this tradition may have begun in 1477 when Maximilian I of Austria presented a Diamond ring to Mary, daughter of the Duke of Burgundy, as a bethrothal gift. To dream of Diamonds was once thought to be a sure sign of success, wealth and happiness.
A history of tragedy and misfortune has often accompanied the more highly-prized examples of this gem. Stones such as the Hope Diamond were so unfortunate and brought such ill-luck that the very mention of its name once struck terror into peoples' hearts. However, the gem itself is not unlucky...the bad luck being mainly brought about by the greed and lust with which humankind has fought and thieved and connived in order to obtain such great wealth.
A Diamond purchased out of greed, or one that is stolen or won from another, will not bring good luck to the wearer...a Diamond given as a gift or which is representative as a token of trust and affection between sweethearts can never bring ill-luck.
According to legend, the Diamond came into existence when the God of Mines called together all his noblemen and instructed them to bring him one of every variety and color of gemstone in existence. Once he had received the collection, he crushed them, forming one magnificent jewel of rare beauty, purity and indestructibility...the Diamond. The Diamond is also known as the "King-Stone" (the Pearl being the "Queen-Stone").
Nova Reinna
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Abra Academy Game Download
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/ 11:00 PM /
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Symbols And Codes Sharing What I Learned
Posted by
/ 4:22 AM /
I recently attended a class on symbols and codes at OSTARA (our local occult shoppe) given by Jon Ouromboros, High Priestess of the Butler Family Tradition. Over the next week or, I will share some of the information learned at this class.
First, we must understand what a symbol is. A symbol is an object that stands for or represents an idea or group of ideas. Symbols are a way to communicate, symbols are an exchange of information, focal points and patterns.
The class was broken down into symbolic categories as follows:
* Elemental symbols
* Items and objects
* Alphabets and runes
* Axis mundi symbols
* Solar/Lunar, God/Goddess, Male/Female symbols
* Alchemy, Planets and Zodiac symbols
* Balance and eternity symbols
* Other iconic Symbols
I will start with the four elemental symbols from the Western tradition. The fifth elemental symbol is Spirit.
Note that the symbols for fire and air are triangles that represent the phalice or male entity. The symbols for water and earth are upside down triangles that represent the chalice or female entity.
By overlapping all four of the elementals, you get a hexagram. The Hexagram is also known as the Star of David in Judaism but it is also used in magic.
The five-pointed star also known as the pentacle, pentangle (just the star), and pentagram (any writing of 5) is the most common representation of the 5 elements. We can find the five-pointed star in many places in nature such as the apple core, starfish, flowers (5 petals), and Venus in sky. The use of the pentacle goes back as far as the Greek Pythagoreans blessing themselves with the pentacle sign.
Additional symbolism within the five-pointed star is the number 2 representing the feminine (points of fire and air), and the number 3 representing the masculine (points of spirit, water and earth). By connecting all 5 tips of the pentacle, you create the witches' pyramid.
The diagram below depicts invoking and banishing the element of earth. When invoking any of the elements, you always invoke by tracing the pentagram towards you, and you always banish by tracing the pentagram away from you as if you were dismissing an element.
Even though we all use symbols everyday, and especially the pentacle/pentagram, there are deeper significant meanings behind many of them. I hope that you learned something new that will enhance your practice of magick in everyday life!
Blessed Be,
Love Binding Spell
Posted by
/ 7:16 PM /
-red or orange thread -piece of plain white paper -pen or colored marker
-some dried herbs associated with drawing love
-liquid oil like Dragons Blood, rosemary or jasmine
On paper write what goal you want. When done place oil in corners of paper.
Place herbs in center. In clockwise direction close paper and fold as small as possible.
As you do this visualize the new talisman as a powerful catalyst that not only will draw
your chosen love to you but will bind him to you as well.
When its folded as small as you can begin winding thread around it to seal it.
Say these words while doing it:
By this spell one man I bind,
Heart and body, soul and mind,
Infatuated with me ever be,
His passion blazes deep for me.
I haunt his thoughts and dance through his dreams,
I'm always in his head it seems,
And more each day he cannot hide,
His growing feeling for me inside.
Infatuation, romance, passion igniting,
(persons name) finds me (insert your name) irresistibly exciting,
And he makes me aware of this catastrophic emotion,
And I become his devotion,
Like two moths drawn to the flame,
Neither of our lives shall be the same,
Let him know it is no sin,
(enter precise goal of spell) does begin,
(insert persons name) finds me always in his head,
And longs to take me to his bed,
Romantic fantasies of me haunt his mind,
(insert persons name) in love with me I do bind.
You can then keep it and hide it somewhere in your room.
I personally burn it in my cauldron and while doing the spell burn appropriate incense,
herbs and color candles.
Fire Lyte Charge Of The Goddess
Posted by
/ 1:59 AM /
"During my lunch break, I popped open Drawing Down the Moon" by Margot Adler. I'm really enjoying the book. There's mention of the Charge of the Goddess, and something came over me when I was reading it today. I had the urge, the inclination, to pick up a pen. What came out was, perhaps, a rough draft for my own personal Charge of the Goddess. Parts of it are exceedingly fluffy, but it was exactly what came out.
I will admit, parts of this I do feel were inspirational. By that I mean...and I know this sounds false coming from me of all people...but I feel some of these stanzas were directly from the Goddess. Or, at least, whatever divine entity instructed my gut and my hand to pick up pen and put it to paper this afternoon around 3:14.
It is rudimentary at best, and I apologize in advance for the childish phrasing. It is quite obvious to me that I could not have been the author of the complete piece, because - as you know by now - it is not written in my signature style.
Be that as it may, please use this (or any part of it) for your own use. Just let me know you're doing it, please. Also, if you have made your versions of the Charge of the Goddess, pass those along as well. Enjoy!
Love and Lyte,
Fire Lyte
"Hear me for I am the Goddess, the She Divinity, the Divine Mother and Sister and Friend and Lover and Poet and Inspiration and Confidante."
"Hear me, my beloved, for when you feel lost know that I have my finger on the map of the universe pointing exactly where you are standing."
"Hear me that destroys and is riled to anger like the She-Bear, the WILD MOTHER WHO ROARS WITH MIGHT AND PAIN AND PROTECTION and instinct."
"Hear me in the quiet when the veil is open and you may look upon me and know that I am the light of the moon and the burn of the heart's passion."
"Know me as the guardian of your mother's womb. Know me as your mother, but honor your physical mother as you honor me, for she was chosen for you. Know also that She who was your Mother-Chosen may not be linked to you by blood."
"Hear the words of the Goddess and know that your worship is never wrong or not on time or inappropriate if it is always done out of Love."
"Know that the greatest lesson of all is to Love and know Love and believe in it."
"Know that magic is merely a force, and it may be used by the magician for any means. It is not evil, though it may be used for an evil purpose."
"Know that just as I may be riled to anger as the Wild Goddess, so too are you forgiven for your anger. Also, know that protection of yourself and our loved ones is holy."
"Worship out of Love and Harmony with the Infinite. In that manner be Blessed."
"Blessed are those that seek to know the deeper knowledge, but blessed are all those that seek."
"Blessed are the Dead for they live on and advise and Love Eternal."
"Know that nothing separates you from me and nothing ever will."
"Know that I am known by an infinite number of names and answer to them all."
"Know that all worship of the Divine worships me and even some names I am known by are male."
"Know that I am She but also He, for nothing is truly separate and nothing is truly out of reach of the Divine for we all are One."
"Praise be to my sacred, beloved Children. I love you in kind even when you do not love or know or respond or acknowledge or name me, for that is the Power of Love-Infinite."
"Hear my words and Know."
"Blessed Be."
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Days Of Samhain Day 28 Thinking About The Dead
Posted by
/ 1:08 AM /
I finally got said dresser in it's proper place in my Goddess room I thought what better time and place to put up some pics of our late Mother (two years in the Summerlands ), and my lovely old dog Holly, who passed in early Summer. I just got the pics in place and the phone rang -
Psychic Scorpio she is, she never calls during the she just wanted to talk about Mum just at that very moment I did as well!
We talked for ages about things we should have done and said, things Mum couldn't do for particular, Sis gets totally pissed off that Mum never had any decent amounts of money, and could never have helped us out money wise - often it was the other way round!) She did however help us out in many other ways, running to our aid when marraiges were crumbling, kids were sick, or we just needed 'A Mum fix'.
I do so miss my Mother...we didn't live in each others pockets, but she was there if I needed her. In January my husband and I had a huge stupid argument (over a broken mobile phone of all things ) and I was so angry and hurting...I went into the cupboard where I kept a lot of her small things and her photo just JUMPED out at if she was telling me...
I may be gone in body, but I am always with you, watching out for you.
So if you're looking over my shoulder Mum, I know you don't need the veil to be thin to let me know you're there. I hope my beautiful old dog Holly is with you, watching over us. And I promise I'll look after your Mother's dresser, the one with the mirror you looked into every night when you brushed your hair before bed. And I will polish it on a regular basis!
Witches. if you still have your Mothers, enjoy them because life is short and we don't always get the time to do and say the things we want to. Don't hold back with those kind to each other!
from left - me, Mum, Sis...about six years ago.
My Holly (the big one!)
I miss her watching over us at night. I miss watching her doggy mind counting us when we all came in at night and she could relax knowing we were all in and safe. And I miss her happy doggy smile most of all ! My husband wants another German Shepherd, but she will never be replaced. I hope she comes and visits on Monday, I would so love to see her again, just once.
Happy Friday, Witches!
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Rituals And Spell Objectives Black Magic
Posted by
/ 5:29 PM /
The Death programs built into our genetic and hence behavioral and emotional structure are the price we pay for the capacity for sexual reproduction which alone allows for evolutionary change. Only organisms which reproduce asexually, to replicate endless identical copies of their very simple forms, are immortal. Two conjunctions with the black power are of particular interest to the magician: the casting of destruction spells and the avoidance of premature death.
So called "Chod" rites are a ritual rehearsal of death in which the Death-self is invoked to manifest its knowledge and wisdom. Traditionally conceived of as a black robed skeletal figure armed with a scythe, the Death-self is privy to the mysteries of aging, senescence, morbidity, necrosis, entropy and decay. It is often also possessed of a rather wry and world-weary sense of humour.
Surrounding himself with all the symbols and paraphernalia of death, the magician invokes his Death-self in a Chod rite for one of the two purposes. Firstly the experience of the Death-self and the black gnosis brings the knowledge of what it feels like to begin dying and thus prepares the magician to resist the manifestation of actual premature death in himself and perhaps others by, as it were, knowing the enemy. A demon is just a god acting out of turn. In the course of various Chod rites the magician may well experiment in shamanic style by invoking into himself the visualized entities and symbols that he associates with various diseases, to practice banishing them. Thus the Death-self has some uses in medical diagnosis and divination.
Secondly, the death-self may be invoked as a vantage point from which to cast destruc-tion spells. In this case the invocation takes the same general form but the conjuration is usually called an Entropy Rite. One should always look for any possible alternative to the exercise of destructive magic, for to be forced into the position of having to use it is a position of weakness. In each case the magician must plant in his subconscious a mechanism by which the target could come to grief and then project it with the aid of a sigil or perhaps an evoked servitor. Entropy magic works by sending information to the target which encourages auto-destructive behavior.
Entropy magic differs from Combat magic of the Red Gnosis in several important respects. Entropy magic is always performed with complete stealth in the cold fury of the black saturine gnosis. The aim is a cold blooded surgical strike of which the target is given no warning. The magician is not interested in getting into a fight, merely in a quick and efficient kill. The supreme advantage of such attacks is that they are rarely perceived as such by the targets who have nothing but themselves and blind chance to blame for the disasters which even magnanimity in victory does little to assuage. One disadvantage however, is that it is rather difficult to present invoices to clients for effects that appear to be due entirely to natural causes.
God forms of the black power are legion; if the simple form of a cloaked skeleton with scythe does not adequately symbolize the Death-self then such forms as Charon, Thanatos, Saturn, Chronos, Hekate the Hag, Dark sister Atropos, Anubis, Yama and Kali may serve.
Servitors of the black power are rarely established for long term general use, partly because their use is likely to be infrequent and partly because they can be danger to their owner, thus they tend to be made and dispatched for specific single tasks.
Also read this e