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Supernatural Power Of A Renewed Mind


Understanding is an Experience

Romans 12, Mt. 6 thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven - that's God's Will (felt, seen, entered into)

Our privilege is to manifest the will of God. Cooperation, thru repentence (changing my world view, seeing from His view), to live from His point of view. Co-labor with God. God's intention is to equip us (Holy Spirit) to demonstrate the reality of heaven here on earth - this is the backbone of our commission. It's a privilege. HS lives within (spiritual beings having a temporary human experience). Soul - mind, will, emotions. Carnal christianity is when a believer leans to their own understanding, feelings. Mind is a better receiver than a giver; better student than teacher; follower than leader. Mind is suppose to be in position to receive impressions from the Lord, that as it filters thru human personality, it takes on a Christ-like expression, to transform the world around us. God is out to capture our minds; it's not a useless tool; powerful tool. Wants sanctified minds (blank canvas).

Four kinds of soil Matthew 13:11 because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. Mystery cannot be discovered; must be revealed. Conceals truth (like gold in rock). Those with yielded hearts discover. God wants a global takeover. There are concepts in education, art, music, govt, etc., that have never been tapped into - to be accessed by people who are yielded to HS, so He can take and put them in a creative place such as your mind. Mysteries the world has never seen or heard. Proverbs: Without a vision (prophetic revelation) the people perish (or go unrestrained; will not restrict themselves to accomplish purpose). Revelation knowledge releases us in faith (establishing the boundries of faith; setting the parameters that faith is to functions in; without knowledge faith is restricted by our misconceptions). God is declaring the world you get to express faith in. Glorious things are to be accessed (revelation) never seen or heard before. WE are to live in the realm of continuous input by the revelations of God. Faith sees above the natural. Goes against the natural course of nature. Seeing above circumstances. Passion to move against the course of nature. Tap into the realms of God never dreamed of before (unknown realms never tapped into before, in whatever field of endevour you're in).

13:19 (two parts) anyone hears the word of the kingdom - the Seed (word) is the living seed of another world; a seed is a realm of possibility (potential)

1) Word of the kingdom comes as the seed of another world! This seed is to take over the world we live in. The kingdom of Heaven is within - the realm of dominion is an inside job. Satisfaction comes from obeying; seeing the real thing; faithful to what He gave me. Privilege of bringing this other world into play; shaping the history of people around us. Bringing the king's dominion (deliverance) into people's torment, pain, etc. I cannot do it unless I live in the victory myself; reality of my surrender, practical living under the imprint of God - that's the measure I get to release His dominion (kingdom lives within us).
2) Living organism (seed of another world) that ignites affection from your heart for His world. CS Lewis said something like, we have desires for things that this world can never satisfy us here. This isn't home.

Wayside - person hears word but doesn't understand - enemy has access to that seed. God spoke things into being; word is most powerful thing. The word of God can be, thru delegated authority (us), cancelled out, shut down, by our hearts (lack of understanding). I perceive it's hot outside (but I'm not out there), when I go outside, I know it's hot. I'm going to bring my perception together with the reality of the heat. The word understand means an experience. We draw conclusions erroneously thru reasoning, cognitive, etc. True understanding is experience. God's realm is the supernatural. Western rational view restricts things to what we can comprehend and explain (proof?). But it's a violation of the learning process set forth in Scripture. Question and 2 statements: Coffee does not grow in cold climate. England has cold climate. Does coffee grow in England? (Elderly Chinese answered, I don't know, I've never been to England).

We have a hard time to yield to something we cannot see, impressions of the heart; realm of faith is superior to the intellect. Worlds were made out of nothing (out of faith we understand). By faith we understand. We do not have faith because we understand (just belief), we understand because we have faith. Faith is not an intellectual matter. Co-mingling with the Holy Spirit. Understanding means BRING TOGETHER. Translation - learning that takes place thru the five senses - practical human experience. When the Word comes, if it's not brought into practical human experience, the enemy will have open access to that seed. (that seed has the power to transform, bring the life-form of another world to a new creation; we are a new race of people, holy people). Expressions and releases of dominion, until the dominions of this world become the dominion of our God. Learning thru practical human experience.

Revelation is meant to bring me into a God encounter, and if it doesn't, it serves to make only more religious. John 5, scripture points to Me (Jesus). Revelation is not to make us smart, but to launch us into transformation; God encounters that change us (motivates us to DO SOMETHING). For example, I hear a word that inspires me to help the poor, but in the next several weeks I never do something to actually help them, then that word is open to be taken away by the enemy (not taken from my mind; amen next time I hear it, these people need to hear that - locked into a form without power; without a true experience - I'm not an example of the word preached, but I sure agree with it). People will fight to defend divine healing, but they never see it happen. They have not been irritated enough by their lack of experience to fast and cry out to God until they have personal breakthrough.

I understand the concept, and if it's God's will, he knows my address, He can give me that grace, but there is just special individuals that He uses. We perpetuate this deception that there are two classes within the church of those who are really gifted and then us. Many have concepts in the head that insult them from the conviction that any more needs to happen. All their learning is intellectual. When we allow our lives to robbed of experience, we are deadened to personal transformation, and left with reciting facts and concepts - heart and soul of religion - form without power. Lord brings us Word, seed of another world - planting it in us, a new race of people. He gives the SAME Authority and Power with a choice, if we do not act, that which has unlimited power, will be taken out of it's place (enemy steals away).

vs 20 stony places (no root); when tribulation or persecution arises, he stumbles. Stones are the unresolved issues (stumble is vs 23 good ground - he understands it, produces fruit, 30,60, 100 times. Colossians 2 & 3 let no one judge you about food, drink, holidays - why do you subject yourself to regulations? Appearance of wisdom, and self-denial, but of no value. Seek the things above, not the things on earth. Christians were getting caught by shifting the emphasis from the internal things to external. You might be a redneck if... you might be a Pharisee if: your emphasis is on the external and not the internal. (Guy took his anointed music to a gay/lesbian bar; awwwww, the religious say - you defiled your gift where?) We think evil is stronger than godliness; you get contaminated by external associations. The primary lesson of the OT law was the power of sin. If you touch a leper I am unclean, dead body, unclean.

NT is about the power of grace, forgiveness - now when touch the leper he's clean, touch the dead he is raised. Christian that live like the world, but won't associated with them, because they don't want to get contaminated. Pharisaical heart - elevates the value of the externals, did you hear where they went, that activity; judgment based on external things. It started with Jesus was a glutton and winebibber - because he hung around them - associations (externals). The proof of a true transformation of the heart and mind is a shift in my entire value system - not my judgment of another person but allowing Jesus to minister thru me. Is Jesus able to express His dominion in me, so that He can express it thru me? Am I surrendered enough to express His dominion. I study to be transformed, not teach you. Study to learn how to do this stuff, then I try to share with you what I see and experience. Set your mind on heavenly things, not earth. What world are you experiencing, that movtivates your life. You will release the dominion of the world you're living in.

Mt. 6 In the natural there are some beans that are high in protein, but the body cannot extract it, only part. Truth has nutrients, and the full impact of a truth is experienced only thru radical obedience; not casually entered into. You can casually extract certain amount of life and nutrients from things you hear and learn, and associations, but to get the full impact of revelation, it must be followed by radical obedience. That's what extracts the power of that word. vs. 19 Jesus talking about our treasures in heaven. Lay up treasures in heaven - deliberate acts that I can take, when the power will be released in my life, where I experience personal transformation because I responded to opportunity.

Radical step of obedience, power is released and I experience transformation as defined by the word that was given. We can own stuff, just don't be owned by anything. When a man gains wealth, did God gain a fortune or lose a man? Lay up treasure in heaven - living for the unseen. Make decisions today that will affect the outcome when we die. I am going to do an action today, that will affect eternity, because a word has been given me. Where your treasure there your heart will be. If you invest in what you cannot see, God will change the condition of your heart where that becomes home. If you want to live from heaven toward earth, you have to sow into what you cannot see.

Not trying to get God to invade a situation, but from His perspective we minister in authority towards the issues and problems of life. How to minister from heaven towards earth? You make decisions that show you're making heaven your treasure, and then your heart will be there. When your heart is from there, you can minister from there to the issues of man. Renewal of the mind; transformation. We'll challenge death, sickness, etc. Goliath's will be targets; not letting the world build up the giants. These giants must fall. How dare you defy the armies of the Living God. David ran towards the giant. Powerless people build up the giants. Live in the realm of divine possibility; I have a seed from another world, represent another world, I'm an ambassador, I don't live for this place, I live towards another, because I'm here on divine assignment I have all of heaven behind me, that I might be one, with a word and an action, shapes history. That's who I am! The power is in the here and now.

The things that use to cause us to cower and hide under the shade tree, wishing some great man of faith would come to town and take care of the beast, there are us, rising saying how dare that beast taunt the living God. I don't know a lot, but I'm on the side of the Lord, and I'm going after this rascal. That's transformed thinking. It's not mind over matter, or a self discipline thing only, it's a transformation because of the God given grace for a change in world view. Persist in the shift. Internal over externals; invisible over the visible. You gain by giving; you live by dying; you rise by bowing low. Miracles will transform our reality, but we have to learn from them. Or continue to re-learn the lessons. Issues need to be settled. Ending prayer: Outward sign of inward surrender, put your hand on your own head :) Invade our dream life; teach us Your Ways. May we constantly live under the influence of your Presence.


Revelation is meant to bring me into a God encounter, and if it doesn't, it serves to make only more religious.

Heart and soul of religion - form without power (no experience)

We think evil is stronger than godliness; you get contaminated by external associations (looking at externals instead of the power of the internal).

Is Jesus able to express His dominion in me, so that He can express it thru me?
We can own stuff, just don't be owned by anything. When a man gains wealth, did God gain a fortune or lose a man?

Internal over externals; invisible over the visible. You gain by giving; you live by dying; you rise by bowing low.

by Bill Johnson of

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