Pagan Wiccan


Here you can explore information about the Witch, Wiccan and Pagan lifestyles. Learn about Pagan holidays, moon phases, animal guides,candle magic, healing herbs and more, then find the books, jewelry and magical supplies you need. We have no content which would be considered of an offensive nature by those of open mind. If you have concerns in this regard, please review our site prior to allowing your children or teenagers to visit. May The God and Goddess Bless You on Your Journey!

Nocturnal Witchcraft By Konstantinos

Nocturnal Witchcraft By Konstantinos
Nocturnal witchcraft is geared towards people who have a connection to the nighttime energies that are present after everyone goes to sleep. This is in no sense a book on black magic. People can fall into one of four categories and they can change within their lifetime. The first type of people are those who are light good. These are usually people like Jesus or Buddha. Ones who desire to serve humanity with selfless motivation. The second type of people are light evil. These are people who maybe pious on the surface yet cheat in their business dealings. They maybe televangelist who preach the word of good yet use all the charity they collect to buy themselves expensive cars etc. Next is dark evil, these people are just criminals. Last there are those who are dark good and this book is geared towards them. These people tend to be undercover and are usually adepts. They like to wear black and silver and generally gravitate towards the moon. These people are usually active at night. They can be detective or people who work at night.

The book goes through a variety technique that range from doing magic at night, mind reading,skrying, contacting the underworld and casting spells using nocturnal techniques. I myself am not much into scrying but I do like the mental exercises he explains as well as the spell casting.

He warns anyone who seeks to use magic for evil purposes. It is bad karma and you will feel the results. Like many neo pagans who goes on to say that all the Gods are

a reflections of the ultimate source. A deity is like a stream that connects to the source. Our ultimate aim is to reconnect to the source. It takes many lifetimes to perfect our souls but that is what life and magick are all about. We choose what life we will live and what lessons we need to learn before we are even born. We dies but are later reborn until we have perfected our selves in order to be reunited with the source.

Anubis and other deities identified as death are meant to help us when we die. They take out the anxiety and explain to us what is going on. When people die they experience two deaths. First is the death of the body and then a few days later the astral body dies. After the astral body dies the souls can go to two places. One place is the lower realm where troubled souls work out their karma before moving on. Summerland is where the untroubled souls go. Sort of like a paradise.

Overall great book. He discusses the days of power and explains how to celebrate them at night. He also describes how to set up a nocturnal altar. It does not require many tools. The altar is where you rest your tools. First you will need a black handled Athame. black is good because it absorbs all the different colors and energy. When performing at night it is wise to have a black ritual outfit that is used strictly for doing magick at night. The night time magician also need a nocturnal portal for this you use a magick mirror which is glass with one side painted black andd these are available at new age shops. On each side of your nocturnal portal you can place a black taper candle. Silver ones can be used to full moon celebrations. A censer for incense should be placed in front of your portal. Pictures of you God and Goddess can go behind the censer on the right and left side.

Next for your rituals are temporary tools. These are incense sticks (sandalwood,or lavender), a red candle, glass of water and sea salt. The book is loaded with techniques and is simpler then other ritual set up I have encountered. I advise that you read the book and take out what is use full.Enjoy the blog

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One Hundred Years Of America Sightings

One Hundred Years Of America Sightings
Martin Marty celebrates the centennial of the Jesuit produced magazine - America. I'm not a reader, necessarily of the journal, but in Marty's post we get a sense of how the times have changed in Protestant/Catholic relations over the past century.

Sightings 4/20/09

One Hundred Years of "America"

- Martin E. Marty

It is not hard to sight what I am sighting for "Sightings" this week, since its shiny gold "100 Years" cover is almost blinding. I am speaking of the centennial issue of "America", one of the magazines on which many of us depend for comment on both Catholicism and a wider world. Fattened up by advertisements placed by religious orders and firms which appeal to Catholic interests- remember them?-and many letters of greetings from presidents and pope, this April13th issue boasts ninety-two pages. Since this column is not in the business of peddling, I'll move on quickly from complimenting the general appearance, to an attempt to locate this weekly among religious information sources in American religious history.

One could write "America's" history as Book I, 1908-1958 and Book II, 1959-2009, since there is such a breach in content and intentions around 1958. The centennial issue highlights the best of the new paradigm. First off, two of the seven features are by women. Let me stress: Women were not foreign to the old America, but their appearances were very exceptional. Now they are exceptional in a different set of ways, as is clear to anyone who reads, first, the famed Sister Helen Prejean, C.S.J., trading on her "Dead Man Walking", with its prison interest, as she describes how she got her call to service. The other is by Sister Elizabeth Johnson, also C.S.J., a theologian who is radical in the best senses of the term and, in reach and scope, cosmic. I use that word not for hyperbole, but to describe her expansive view of Christian faith, which she spells out "An Earthy Christology," and which ought to cause us earthbound drudges to gasp. Catholic poets might have written in such language in 1908, but theologians, less likely.

Charles R. Morris provides a history of the first fifty years. You might think you would have to have been there, but, no, he puts you there, without condescension, in the midst of that much more provincial church. Protestants would have called it "sectarian" (big sect!). Morris shows how alert to their surroundings these Jesuit editors were. Timothy Radcliffe is assigned to look at the church to come, which he sees as inheritor of the mixed blessings of the Enlightenment. This at a time when one can select out of the Enlightenment mix what might renew and refresh the church. Some of his envisionings strike me as too hopeful, but every one hundred years editors ought to be allowed to breed hope

The editors also lighten the issue with a humbling "Oops!" admissions article by James T. Keane. He acknowledges gross missteps, like the editors' long-term support of Franco's Spain. That was more than an "Oops." Jim McDermott presides over a set of reminiscences by editors and staff. My non-staff reminiscences would point to the drastically different world at the magazine's mid-point, the beginning of the pontificate of John XXIII. As a bottom-rung editor at" The Christian Century" I often got invited to join my seniors at conferences attended and led also by those mysterious (and, we'd been taught, evil) Jesuits. Before that time our Protestant magazine could blithely haul out linguistic artillery and fire the word "Jesuitical!" whenever we wanted to scare the Sunday School kids. "Jesuitical" meant the conniving, beguiling, malicious agency of "the papal minions." I don't think we knew then and I don't know now what a minion is.

However, as we learned to know each other, our hopes and fears, our common enemies and new friendships, across the divided lines of Catholic/Protestant, Christian/Jew, and all the rest, we got to experience change, and to see "America" as an agent ther. Congratulations are in order and come with enthusiasm-and hope.


The centennial issue of America is online at
In conjunction with the upcoming conference, "Culturing Theologies, Theologizing Cultures: Exploring the Worlds of Religion," April 22 and 23 at the Divinity School, this month's Religion and Culture Web Forum features conference participant Alain Epp Weaver's exploration of "how the arboreal imagination animates Israeli and Palestinian mappings of space and landscapes of return." Trees are at once contested political and religious symbols and concrete means of claiming the land. Via a close reading of Palestinian theologian Elias Chacour's writings, Weaver examines the rhetorical role and weight of trees in Israeli and Palestinian thought. "Is the arboreal imagination necessarily bound up with exclusivist mappings of erasure only, mappings which encode given spaces as either Palestinian or Israeli Jewish?" Weaver asks, or, "might the arboreal imagination animating the imagined landscapes of Palestinian refugees also produce cartographies of mutuality which accept, even embrace, the complex character of shared space?"

Visit the Religion and Culture Web Forum:

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Variedad De Plantel

Variedad De Plantel
Siguiendo con las tradiciones de la Wicca, alrededor de la Fiesta de Imbolc prepararo un mont'on de semillas para plantarlas.

Las coloco en el altar del Sabbat y cuando celebro la f'iesta las bendigo con el ritual sagrado.

Una vez est'an bendecidas las aparto para hacer la plantaci'on que hago despu'es, pues me gusta disfrutar del plante como si fuera una ofrenda que le hago a la Madre Tierra.

De hecho creo que se pueden dise~nar rituales para sembrar d'andoles un toque especial. Adem'as de mejorar el estado de casa y fomentar la ecolog'ia, los rituales de plantaci'on pueden convertirse en tradiciones familiares o acontecimientos para hacer con los amigos.

La semana pasada estaba pensando; ?qu'e voy a plantar este a~no?. Como me encontraba bastante ocupado con varios asuntos a la vez, se me ech'o el tiempo encima y me encontre en Imbolc sin semillas. ?Donde voy a encontrarlas ahora?. Acud'i a un gran supermecado y ante mi sorpresa me encontr'e con un expositor que ten'ia un mont'on de variedades. El expositor estaba cerca de la caja y hab'ia de todo tipo. Cog'i semillas de Ruda, Tomillo, Albahaca, Claveles, Lobelia, Ang'elica, An'is, Verbena, Malva, Aster de China, Girasol Enano, Pensamiento y Margarita Africana.

S'i, son muchas verdad...?. Bueno, en realidad son 13 clases de plantas. Estaban a buen precio (entre 0.45 centimos hasta 0.90 EUR) con lo cual decidi comprar varias. Tambi'en compr'e tierra f'ertil y algunas macetas que me hac'ian falta, pues me gusta que est'en en macetas individuales. Lo dej'e todo preparado y celebre el Sabbat de Imbolc. Ahora ya est'an bendecidas, listas para cuidar y amar.

Siempre que observo la gr'afica de la Rueda del A~no, me asombro al ver lo perfecta que es la Naturaleza. En esta fecha los agricultores preparan el nuevo plantel. Lo s'e de buena tinta porque mi padre tiene un huerto. 'El planta lechugas, tomates, pimientos, acelgas, maravilla de verano, jud'ias, calabazas, cebollas, ajos, etc. Aunque el huerto no es enorme, lo cierto es que puedo ver lo que ocurre en cada fecha s'implemente observando a mi padre. 'El no sabe nada de la Wicca. Ni si quiera sabe que yo profeso esta religi'on, pues ya es mayor y yo no estoy interesado en hablarle de cosas que no entienda. Prefiero hablarle y preguntarle cosas que s'i sabe responder. Cuando le pregunto sobre las 'epocas de la Tierra puede decirme cual es buena para cada cosa. Hacer esto es bueno porque le dejo expresar su sabidur'ia, y yo aprendo m'as de la Naturaleza.

Auque 'el no practique la Antigua Religi'on, los dos seguimos el mismo calendario natural. 'El lo ve desde el punto de vista f'isico y natural, sin a~nadirle un concepto espiritual. Yo desde el punto de vista m'istico, trascendental, pero lo cierto es que la Naturaleza nos une. ?No es estupendo encontrar un punto de uni'on, amor y comunicaci'on gracias a la Diosa...?. Puedo llamarla Naturaleza delante de mi Padre, Gran Madre con mis colegas ecolog'istas o Diosa entre los Wiccanos, pero lo cierto es que la Naturaleza nos gusta a todos. Lo normal es sentirte bien en la Naturaleza. Lo normal es que te gusten los 'arboles, las flores, la luna, el mar y las cosas bellas. S'i, seg'un nuestra naturaleza, lo normal es que nos guste la Naturaleza. Y veo que estar cerca de ella es bueno para todos.

Aunque t'u vivas en una ciudad, creo que a pocos kilometros puedes encontrarte con el campo directo. Los fines de semana son ideales para desconectar de la "capi" y recargar las pilas en medio de la Naturaleza.

Ayer comentaba con una amiga lo f'acil que es asociar las 8 Fiestas de la Rueda con el curso natural. Sabes...?, (le dije) es tan f'acil. S'olo necesitas observar lo que pasa a tu alrededor. Aunque no vivas en el campo, siempre puedes observar. Por ejemplo; qu'e 'arboles est'an en flor ahora...?. - Los almendros verdad...?. S'i. Pues la pr'oxima vez que veas indicios de florecimiento en los almendros, has de saber que Imbolc se acerca. Cuando veas los Narcisos trompeteros en el puesto de las flores del mercado, Imbolc ya est'a aqu'i. Es una buena forma de estar al loro y de preparar la fiesta.

A m'i personalmente me encanta vivir la Antigua Religi'on, estar al tanto de los ritmos naturales y celebrar las fiestas m'agicas. Para m'i es como cargar las bater'ias del m'ovil cuando estoy bajo de energ'ia. Adem'as de ayudarme a mejorar mi ritmo vital, celebrar las 8 Fiestas me ayuda a recordar que soy un hijo de la Tierra, y que nuestro Planeta es la "nave espacial" que hay que cuidar.

?Qu'e has pensado sembrar t'u...?.

?Has celebrado ya el ritual de Imbolc...?

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Biggest Wedding Ever Held In Israel

25 000 Hasidim Attend Second Biggest Wedding Ever In Jerusalem
Last week, the Jerusalem neighborhood of Kiryat Belz was the scene of the second biggest wedding ever held in Israel. On Tuesday evening, under a chuppah built for the occasion in the center of the sector, Shalom Rokeach, the 18-year-old grandson of the Belzer Rebbe, leader of the Belz Hasidic dynasty, married Hanna Batya Penet, his 19-year-old bride in the presence of 25,000 guests (no, that's not a misprint.)

If you're wondering why 25,000 guests didn't make it the biggest wedding ever, The Times of Israel reported that the wedding of Rokeach's parents in 1993 was the largest in the city's modern history, drawing 30,000 people, who gobbled down 3.1 tons of potatoes, 1.5 tons of gefilte fish and 39,000 gallons of soda in celebration.

Members of various Hasidic sects, the national-religious world and Sephardi Judaism also attended the wedding.

The leader of the Gur Hasidic sect, the biggest in Israel, and the Lithuanian Ultra-Orthodox community each received a special welcome from the Belz Rabbi, as did Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.

For a close-up view of all aspects of the wedding, click here to check out the photo album posted by the Haredi web site Vos iz Neias.

The Belz Great Synagogue is the biggest synagogue in Jerusalem, with an ark that is so huge it has been included in the Guiness Book of World Records. This imposing monolith of a building is located in northern Jerusalem and was built by the Belz Hasidim, a Hasidic sect dating to the nineteenth century. The Belz Great Synagogue is also significant for its uncanny resemblance to the Holy Temple built by Herod thousands of years ago.

Like the original Belz synagogue in Europe that was destroyed by the Nazis, the Belz Great Synagogue in Jerusalem took 15 years to build. The building was dedicated in 2000 and now towers imposingly in the Jerusalem skyline, rising above the surrounding apartment complexes like a new incarnation of the Holy Temple. The project was financed by the Belz community as well as by philanthropic donations.

The main interior of the synagogue can house up to 6,000 worshipers-an unheard of number for most synagogues, which usually seat hundreds or less. The record-breaking ark is 12 meters high, weighs 18 tons, and can hold 70 Torah scrolls. (In contrast, most synagogue arks can hold about six or less.)

Nine chandeliers gracing the synagogue are each strung with 200,000 pieces of Czech crystal, lending the sanctuary a lofty ballroom splendor. Since it is so huge, the building is utilized not just for prayer, but also for weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, and communal events. Smaller study halls and communal facilities are included in the building.

The original Belz synagogue, located in the Ukrainian town of Belz, was similar in size to the new Jerusalem version. The building was destroyed in 1939 by the Nazis, who first attempted to burn it down. When the synagogue proved too huge to be destroyed by such means, the Nazis forced the Jews of the community to dismantle the synagogue one stone at a time.

Now it has been rebuilt in Jerusalem and stands as the center of a thriving Belz community.

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Salem Witchcraft In The Opera House

History Time Salem Witchcraft In The Opera House
Photo from Contemporary American Composers by Rupert Hughes (1900), Edgar Stillman Kelley (1857-1944) composer of "Puritania, or the Earl and the Maid of Salem"By Jim Dalton, Globe CorrespondentOh, Salem! Salem! Where are all your tears?

Oh, little town which I loved so long

Shall e'er your bitter heart grow sweet again?

Farewell, farewell...

~from the opera "A Witch of Salem"

by Charles Wakefield Cadman (first performed 1926)

The published introduction to the opera "A Witch of Salem" states that the Salem Witch Trials era was one of "delusion, hysteria, credulity, fear mixed with pretense." Cadman and librettist Nelle Richmond Eberhart are among those who realized that these features, offering spectacles of the supernatural, the trials, and executions, were perfect grist for the operatic mill, though all of them embellished the stories to varying degrees.

Charles Wakefield Cadman (1881-1946) was a highly regarded composer who had researched, collected and published Native American songs and consciously incorporated these stylistic elements in his own compositions.

The plot of "A Witch of Salem," though set in 1692, is only very loosely tied to the actual events of that year. It revolves around the family of Nathaniel Willoughby. His ward Sheila has, in her mind, exaggerated a remembered kiss into the status of a relationship with Anthony Talbott-who is engaged to Willoughby's daughter Claris. When Sheila's love goes unrequited, she arranges to have teenaged girls accuse Claris of witchcraft.

As Claris is being led to the gallows, Sheila has an attack of remorse and trades her own life for that of the unjustly accused. (Though, truthfully, after reading the libretto, I wonder whether her character is simply depressed and commits suicide by bloodthirsty mob.)

Among the eye- and ear-catching elements of the opera: Madagascar pirates who arrive to attend the hanging, singing in French, and a scene featuring Sheila singing "a weird Irish Banshee song." This last is followed by a wailing sound apparently made by the actual Banshee! One character, "Tibuda, an Indian servant" seems to be based on the historical Tituba, although that is where the resemblance ends.

Cadman's compositions show the influence of his study of so-called "exotic musics." His music, albeit finely crafted, expressive and interesting, has not stood the test of time.

"A Witch of Salem" premiered in Chicago in 1926 and, though reasonably successful, never became part of the standard repertoire and, as far as I can tell, has never been recorded.

In contrast, Robert Ward's opera "The Crucible" has enjoyed much more sustained success. Written fifty years ago, it won the 1962 Pulitzer Prize for music and has been performed frequently since then. There is at least one available recording.

The libretto was by Bernard Stambler, who based it on the well-known Arthur Miller play. Since this play is so familiar I will forgo retelling the plot here.

Perhaps the strangest Salem-witch-trial opera I've found is "Puritania or the Earl and the Maid of Salem" by Edgar Stillman Kelley, set to a libretto by C.M.S. McLellan. This comic opera imitates the style of Gilbert and Sullivan in both music and text.

Kelley was a contemporary of the aforementioned Cadman; he also composed in a style influenced by Native American and non-European music. The show opened in Boston in June 1892-almost exactly two hundred years after original Salem witch hysteria.

The convoluted plot revolves around the exploits of Vivian George Trevelyan, Earl of Barrenland, and Elizabeth, the "maid of Salem." Elizabeth manages to get herself arrested repeatedly for witchcraft, each time by self-accusation.

The Earl is an oddly belligerent character who sings:

" cut a fellows head straight off is unrestricted joy,

and to nick a chap between the ribs is bliss without alloy."

Act One finds us on the Salem seashore. Elizabeth is convicted by the Witch Finder General and is about to be executed when the Earl, arriving from England, fortuitously falls in love with her. They sail back to England to get a pardon from Charles II.

Act Two begins in a chamber below the royal palace, where conspirators are setting gunpowder. When they're done, the leader sits down on a keg of gunpowder and lights his pipe...

Act Two, Scene Two, takes place in the palace itself. While Elizabeth is being interrogated, she nervously draws a pentagram on the ground. Suddenly there is an explosion, and a man comes flying up through the floor. Everyone is convinced that Elizabeth is a witch until the man explains what happened and reveals that he is her father. (Yes, her father...) They all live happily ever after, somehow.

In a critique in 1904's "The History of American Music" Louis Charles Elson praised the music of "Puritania." However, he found fault with the libretto: "A thinking auditor will always regret seeing so awful a subject used as a comic libretto. The tears of one century can never furnish the laughter of another. To one who reads history, the martyrdom of Giles Corey and Rebecca Nourse would forbid ever jesting about Salem witch-finders."

His critique has a strangely modern ring to it.

"Jim Dalton is a founding board member of the Salem History Society and is a professor of music theory and music education at The Boston Conservatory. He and his wife Maggi specialize in the research and performance of 19th century American music. Reach him at: For information on joining the Salem History Society, visit

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Astrology Forecast For September 2009 Virgo

Astrology Forecast For September 2009 Virgo Common For All Solar Signs

By Graham Flynn

Virgo's energy, from August 24th via September 22nd, inspires us to become optimistic and to reconsider our philosophy of life. It's time to educate ourselves. Newly acquired knowledge can pave the way toward living our ideals.

We also have to discover how the energies of Virgo can benefit all of us. Each Sun sign has its own time and power. As the energies unfold, it's there for all of us to embrace as our own. The energies are being a surfer catching a good wave. Depending on your knowledge and skill level, it can overtake you, or you'll be able to ride it.

Virgo is referred to as the sign from the teacher. It is not by accident that school begins during September, as education is governed by Virgo. Consciously embrace the love and idealism that pours via your human body during this month.

Energies of Virgo:

Love energy is dominate during Virgo. Inside beginning, you'll be able to be as well self centered, with only enough adore for yourself. As the pendulum swings, you may turn into so loving toward others that you come to be sacrificial and forget to include yourself. Mature adore will balance the adore you've for yourself and others within your life.

Love could be the scariest of all the energies. In Virgo, you receive the energy a lot more inside your mind and your physical body. Adore stands out as the very good connector. It's the pure and innocent part of us, the baby in us before we become jaded. Enable your love to mature without shutting it out and you'll reap the benefits.

Idealism energy also dominates during Virgo. This is the optimism in us that keeps us heading forward, knowing that it'll all turn out okay no matter how it appears now.

Idealism will lead you toward the spiritual component of yourself which have been through numerous different ways this sort of as; traditional religions, shamanism, spirituality, metaphysical or new age.

True idealism always leads us into service, helping individuals that are weaker.


Virgo is referred to as the "Teacher" sign. Virgo's virtues are; innocence, thorough, precise, perfectionist, devotional, faith, idealistic, integrity, understanding, loving, kind, service, patience, goodness, sensitivity and intelligent.


Your bad characteristics are really just your sure qualities which are not yet balanced. That just methods your vices are nonetheless in progress and haven't yet matured to the virtues they will become.

Virgo's vices are; fussy, worrier, literal, exacting on the thing of becoming controlling, critical, confusing, as well serious, rigid, clinging in relationships, zealot within your views, always dull and not significantly fun.


Utilizing the energies during Virgo, this can be the perfect time to very assess your system and your health. Have a physical, get blood tests done or take a new class in which you understand mentally how to eat probably the most feasible care of yourself.

How about taking new classes at the gym to be able to take in your physical human body towards the following step of mastery? At least get out and walk, keeping the mind and entire body in motion. You can always listen to discover tapes as you walk so you happen to be physical exercise both your mind and your body.

Intimate Relationships

As assistance or helping others is paramount during Virgo, appraise your situation. Are you self-centered, wanting your partner to eat care of you, or are you sacrificial taking care of the partner's needs with out regard to your own? Do a self-evaluation and move toward a balance.

About the Author:

Astrology Forecast For September 2009 - Virgo - basic For All solar Signs - Check Out scorpio woman virgo man and scorpio man virgo woman

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Wicca Sabbats Litha

Wicca Sabbats Litha


(or summer solstice)

June 21, 2006

(usually occurs around this time)

This is the holiday to celebrate the Wiccan God and everything he stands for (masculinely, strength, peace, a father figure, and love). It is a time to embrace the God and the Goddess and rededicate yourself to your Wiccan beliefs

Since Beltane (May 1st) marks the first day of summer and Lughnassadh (Aug 1st) is the last day of summer on the Wiccan calendar, Litha is the midsummer mark. Litha is the longest day of the year. After this point the days begin to grow shorter and the Sun's power begins to fade. Litha lays directly across from Yule (Dec 22, the shortest day of the year) in the Wheel of the Year.

Litha is a celebration of the incoming harvests (the first of three harvest celebrations, fertility, and the thriving nature around us.

I personally do not believe in Faeries, but this is a special day for those who do. It is said that the veil is thin to the Faerie realm (Sidhe
). Faeries are supposedly able to communicate with us clearly. It is also a time for making fun, playfulness, and making wishes.

The best kind of spells or rituals to do on Litha is self dedication, re dedication to the God and Goddess, love, marriage and divination.

The best kinds of incense to burn Litha are lemon, myrrh, pine, rose, and Wisteria.

Meals to observe this Wiccan holiday should include honey, fresh fruits (like lemons and oranges, summer squash or any yellow and orange colored foods. Fresh fruit juice, ale or mead are acceptable drinks.

Here are some links to give more information if you are interested. I took my info from these sites, but there is more there to read!

Holidays and Sabbats

Blessed Litha

Bewitching Ways

The pictures I used I got from these sites!

The Wiccan Year Wheel

The first Litha picture

The sun picture (this website is not in English)


The Failure Of Lacit

The Failure Of Lacit
As stated in my previous post, a Salon Beige reader attempted to send three comments on the topic of Islam to Le Figaro. All three were rejected. Each of the three comments is followed by a kind of refrain:

1. The burqa is not even worn in Iran. (Just look at today's news photos).

The women here wear it to provoke. They would be only too happy to have a parliamentary committee set up. Let us not give them a soap box. HALDE might rule in their favor.

However, I would like to know the real reason why Andr'e Gerin, of the Communist Party, and his colleagues, raised this question of the burqa. Rather than becoming angry at the result, they ought to have become angry at the cause: the immigration of peoples who, because of their numbers and their cultures, are not assimilable.

Note: A reminder that Andr'e G'erin, a Communist, was the initiator of the move to ban the burqa.

In the name of "la"icit'e" they have felled anything liable to resist the establishment of Islam in France. By denouncing the Christian roots of our civilization and rejecting the values that went with it they have opened the door to the Trojan Horse. There is no longer anything that can prevent them from achieving their ends. For Islam is a proselytizing religion that vomits on the yellow-bellied la"icit'e, because for Islam there is not and can never be separation from the State.

2. There is no intelligent and open-minded Islam able to adapt to European values (...)

In Islamic lands, a non-Muslim is a second-class citizen. Look at what is happening in so-called moderate countries: the Copts are bullied in Egypt, those who own Bibles are condemned in Algeria, in Turkey it is forbidden to build new churches. Elsewhere, there is condemnation of anything that displays a cross.

In the name of "la"icit'e", etc... (same as above)

3. Only a committed "la"iciste" (i.e., a person who espouses separation of Church and State) wins the approval of web moderators who block any comment pointing to a conquering Islam facing a West that has nothing to offer in opposition except a few parliamentary committees.

In the name of secular religion, France has abandoned all the values that could effectively resist this radical Islam. Tolerance is contrary to conviction: if I tolerate everything, how can I defend my own convictions? Islam by its nature proselytizes (as any religion ought to, otherwise what would be the reality of a faith if its adherents do not wish to share it?) and vomits on the yellow-bellied la"icit'e because for Islam there is not and can never be separation from the State.

Le Figaro censured the comments no doubt because they are critical of la"icit'e.

The reader informs us that Le Figaro is staunchly pro-la"icit'e, which in turn implies a total rejection of religion as a weapon against another religion, i.e., a total rejection of Christianity as a force employable by the French State to combat Islam. France cannot employ Christianity because France is not only spiritually de-Christianized, France is bound by la"icit'e. La"icit'e cannot be a weapon against Islam because it is too weak, and Islam spits on it.

Why is la"icit'e so weak? As the reader says, there is the absence of a specific conviction. Second, la"icit'e by its nature, means Church/State separation, a notion completely rejected by Islam. The French State needed, at the outset, to acknowledge the incompatiblity of Islam with the law of 1905. Instead, it chose to circumvent the law by creating a bogus Islam tailored just for France - Sarkozy's pet project was the "Islam OF France." But in addition, the existing religious forces in France, i.e., Christianity and Judaism, that could be and should be creating obstacles to the growth of Islam, are instead welcoming it as a type of salvation. So the religious forces themselves have been emasculated, and are now incapable of distinguishing an enemy from a friend.

The profound irony is that by allowing in the Trojan Horse of Islam, France has destroyed her own la"icit'e, and is becoming, both openly and furtively, Islamic. But Le Figaro can't acknowledge this, any more than it acknowledges the old adage that you fight fire with fire, (or religion with religion).

Would the sight of thousands of burqas all over France change anything? It might. Which is why Sarkozy may pursue this idea of a parliamentary committee, and fight "heroically" for a ban on the burqa, and appear to the Western media as a "tough" defender of Western values.

Final observation: In 2004, after years of debate on headscarves, a law was finally passed banning them in the schools. Known as the law of March 15, 2004, it banned headscraves from public elementary and secondary schools, in the name of la"icit'e. Such a law was superfluous because the law of 1905 already banned all religious symbols from public places such as schools and government buildings. Furthermore, banning the scarves did nothing to stop Islamic immigration. It was an empty gesture, just as banning the burqa will be.

Final note: The French State (like any Western democracy in the same situation) could ban Islam on POLITICAL grounds, rather than religious ones, since Islam is a threat to the State, not just a threat to Christianity. Why this has not happened can be attributed to the false god of egalitarianism.


Speak With The Dead Seven Methods

Speak With The Dead Seven Methods For Spirit Communication

Of all the
For starters, I like how he broke things down into different "methods." Nothing is overly detailed, precise, and to the point with different methods within the "methods" in order to achieve results. Modern technology has given us powerful new tools for an age-old dream: seeing and speaking with the dead. Using things you probably already own - such as a camcorder, computer, or tape recorder - you can contact departed loved ones or other spirits, record their images and voices, and establish two-way Communications between the worlds. Speak with the Dead also details the more traditional methods of seance, trance, and scrying. You don't have to be a "techie" or an occultist to use any of these techniques. This book will guide you to one of the most awe-inspiring Experiences you'll ever have - making contact with deceased loved ones and other souls.

Speak with the Dead is the first book in the modern marketplace to focus on practical, usable techniques for communicating With Spirits. This book shows you seven methods for spirit contact:

-catching Electronic Voice Phenomena on tape

-using radio noise to provide spirits with a voice

-capturing ghostly images on videotape

-letting spirits use your computer or telephone

-scrying, establishing telepathic contact with the dead, and holding a seance

Konstantinos is a recognized expert on occult, new age, and paranormal topics. He has a bachelor's degree in journalism and technical writing from New York Polytechnic Institute. He is a published author of articles and short fiction which have been featured in numerous publications including Popular Electronics, The Spook, and FATE Magazine. Konstantinos is a popular lecturer on the paranormal at colleges and Konstantinos put everything here in a format to help someone who has never seen a ghost or had evidence of one appear begin to notice the subtle traces around them. Slowly but surely if you stick with the The Troth - Heathen Gods And Rites Some Frequently Asked Questions

Gerina Dunwich - Herbal Magick A Witchs Guide To Herbal Enchantments Folklore And Divinations

Raymond Buckland - Bucklands Book For Spirit Communications

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Are The People Who Created Religion

Are The People Who Created Religion Judaism Christianity And Islam The Same People Who Have Been Removing Christianity From Society In The 21St Century
7:36 PM

I see when religion was first brought about it was done out of goodness and looking out for the greater good. I see it being sincere and done as a way to provide hope and faith in something else that was much bigger than just your physical situation that were in. The image in my mind standing out is a poor family, they have dark skin, look to be asian or indian, and they are very poor. They look hungry and are wearing very tattering clothing. I then see a man show up and he is sharing some kind of religious words or inspiration to this family. Regardless of their situation that faith of a better life after death gives them the courage and inspiration to deal with anything, knowing in the real end of it all they will be rewarded for who they are not what they possess during this physical lifetime.

Once big power...people with money and influence realized the power behind the need people felt in faith, many, not all, but many of the churches prayed on this... I see there being very genuine and caring people in religion, but a lot has been corrupted, much like politics, government and other things that were once good.

I see the people that introduced religion as good hearted and positive souls. They really believed in what they preached {I see and feel passion and compassion]. I see when it was introduced some people really fought the ideas and concepts behind religion.. I keep getting images of pagan symbols... as if religion really competed with these symbols.. it was a hard fight to make people believe, but the people that pushed REALLY believed in what they said even if it was wrong.


A. I see two things going on.. One, and I see this mostly with communist countries.. Religion gives hope and provides something to really focus and believe in. These countries want the focus to be preservation in the country itself. They also don't want the distraction. If people have nothing else to really believe in, then they have to worry about this current life and what they are doing with it, rather than think they going to a heaven or "greater place."

Two, Many people are starting to "awaken" or question things. We have so much technology and information, people can ponder and research things that don't add up. Rather than take things on pure faith because that is what you are told or taught, people question it. I'm getting images of people reading much more on the internet and social groups like forums being developed.. People compare notes and experiences. People, well some people are much more in tune universal energy and knowledge...


A. I don't see the decreased following of religion being manifested by the same people that are creating the New World Order. In very controlling countries, such as China, I see this as a government tactic... In the US, it may be a little from the government, but mostly it is people who are becoming more freethinkers I see the the New World Order being something separate. if looks completely disconnected from religion... When I focus on the New World Order, I see the concept being more of how government is organized and run rather than having a certain or absence of religion.. I can't see a definite tie between the the two.

That is all that I see.. Thank you,

8:03 PM Link to Audio


Weekly Review Round Up 7Witches Coven

Weekly Review Round Up 7Witches Coven
A Week In Review.

Welcome back to another week in review. This week we have a couple more reviews we would love to share with you!

I hope you will visit us soon when you write your own review

When I ordered this love spell, I was heartbroken and trying to chase after someone who wasn't interested in me at all. Days after this spell was cast, I met someone else (we were introduced by a friend) and we really hit it off. In a few weeks we were dating, and now we've recently become engaged and are getting married next year. This all happened within 2 months! Before this, I had been unhappily single for 5 years, and had been trying to find a relationship actively for 6 months.. meeting lots of people but no one who was interested in a long term relationship. - Rita D.

High Priestess's Custom Spell

7witches Coven Review For High Priestess's Custom Spell

I must say that I have been very touched and impressed that when I wrote for help and wrote too many times-ooopsie, J Roslyn wrote back to me and it was a personal reply not an automated reply! I was surprised that she was so supportive, affirming and really respected what is best for me. I felt the effect of her work within me clearing some gook from me to make way for the truer version of me. The rest will take time to see how it plays out. I like that she/the employees here followed up with realistic information as to what I could expect and how to maintain my wish if I so choose to keep it active. It makes perfect sense if you take a whole second to think about it. I have tried other sites and people for help before over many years. Some DID help and most were con artists/scammers. I just really felt this particular spell and communication between J Roslyn and me just really made a HUGE difference. I felt respected, heard, valued and that the service I paid for was indeed performed and was successful thus far. I have a LOT more respect and willingness to work with this site now and at least J Roslyn. I rarely ask for anything for myself but now I am at a time I MUST. I really just want to give all these ladies a BIG BIG hug! We will see how the rest of this plays out but I am grateful thus far. Thank you! - Julie D.

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Taheb From The House Of David

Taheb From The House Of David
In a "Jewitchery" forum I belong to, "astrobio2001" writes in his commentary on this week's Torah portion:

Interestingly, the Shomronim (Samaritans), the modern heirs to the northern kingdom do not have a mashiach, but a taheb, a RESTORER who in their tradition is supposed to come from the House of Joseph.

This is another incredible link to my recent dreams (here and here) regarding RESTORATION of the Divine Feminine and "the Old Ways" (i.e., Tradition).

However, "Druid" transliterated into Hebrew () is David with a reish and a yod in it. The shoresh means "to return". The meaning of the shoresh combined into the name David means "David, the returning one". David means, among other things, "friend/relative", like the two maggid-priestesses among my ancestors who have "returned" and taken upon themselves to teach me, to "restore" the Old Ways.

On the website of the Shomronim, taheb is defined:

meaning to return, returning one


Benedict Xvi First Hours As Pope Emeritus Of Rome

Benedict Xvi First Hours As Pope Emeritus Of Rome

Vatican City, March 01, 2013 ( Junno Arocho Esteves

As the clock struck 8 yesterday evening, the time of Sede Vacante began, thus officially ending the pontificate of Benedict XVI, now Pope Emeritus of Rome. The Swiss Guards, who are charged with the protection of the Holy Father, closed the doors of the Apostolic Palace and departed from Castel Gandolfo.

At a press conference today at the Vatican, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Holy See Press Office, showed journalists a video of yesterday's events after the Sede Vacante began. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Camerlengo or Chamberlain, sealed off the papal apartments in Rome. Also present were Cardinal Pier Luigi Celata, Vice Camerlengo, and several prelates who work in the Pontifical household.

Fr. Lombardi also said that Cardinal Celata sealed the papal apartments in the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, the ecclesiastical seat of the Bishop of Rome.

Fr. Lombardi also spoke of the first hours of Benedict XVI as Pope Emeritus of Rome. The director of the Holy See Press Office said that he spoke with Archbishop Georg Ganswein, Benedict's secretary and prefect of the Papal Household, who said that His Holiness was very "calm and serene".

Benedict XVI had "watched several news programs and expressed his appreciation for the work of the journalists as well as for the participation of those who had assisted in his departure from the Vatican. Shortly after a brief walk through the Apostolic Palace, he went to bed and according to Archbishop Ganswein, slept very well.

This morning, His Holiness celebrated Mass at 7:00 am followed by praying the Liturgy of the Hours. At 4:00pm, the Pope Emeritus of Rome will plan to walk through the gardens of the Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo and pray the rosary.

Fr. Lombardi stated that among the various

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Fraudulent Magician Busted

Fraudulent Magician Busted
Beware of any professional magician who claims that you are under a curse that can only be lifted if you pay them a bunch of money. Actual curses cast by effective magicians are so rare that they might as well be nonexistent, and just about anyone who believes that they are under "psychic attack" has serious psychological problems. Nevertheless, con artists are quick to take advantage of these mentally ill individuals, at least those of them with money.

'Mrs. Grace' Sees Her Future in Jail

This "psychic" admitted defrauding clients of large sums of money claiming that she needed it in order to lift "destructive curses." Here's one area in which I agree with the Randi foundation - fraudulent magicians give all of us a bad name and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. One of the things that amazes me is the sheer amount of money some of these folks make even though they're complete frauds.

Prosecutors say the fortuneteller's clients included a 57-year-old Poolesville woman who gave Uwanawich more than 160,000 in cash and property over the course of a year. Their relationship began at a shopping mall, when Uwanawich approached the woman, who was depressed, and handed her a flier promoting her psychic powers.

I mean, does this really work? Should I hang out at malls and hand people flyers advertising that I can cast real spells and then quit my day job? Unlike the phonies, I can actually make stuff happen. Or is Aleister Crowley right when he comments in De Thaumaturgia that "man is so built that he will credit false miracles, and regard true miracles as false" and I'm therefore just out of luck? It certainly is true that I don't know of any genuine magicians who make a living at it, let alone a living like this woman did before she got caught.

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Whichwitchiswitch Digest Number 4678

Whichwitchiswitch Digest Number 4678

Which Witch is Which


1. (no subject) From: Beverly 2a. Re: Merlin Stone From: karentate108 2b. Re: Merlin Stone From: Don Wildgrube View All Topics Create New Topic





Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:40 am (PST)

I remember the first time I read her book " When God was a Woman" made a great difference to me how I looked at my life. She will be missed in the spiritual world

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Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:44 am (PST)

Thank you for posting Don. Merlin Stone changed my life too. She and

Riane Eisler are responsible for opening my eyes, setting me on my path

and I've continued on that path for the last few decades. So

inspirational, courageous. We owe her such a debt of gratitude. I'll

no doubt be memorializing her on my radio show, Voices of the Sacred

Feminine this week.

Karen Tate

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Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:51 am (PST)

Merlin Stone as well as Riane Eisler were both very instrumental in my learning of the true aspect of the Goddess, too. Now I need to get this book, but I like what I read of her introduction to the book, "The Goddess Re-Awakening."

In the introduction she said,"One very important aspect of reclaiming a feminine spirituality is that of the vision or concept one has of deity or the divine. Within nearly all expressions of contemporary women's spirituality is the idea of Goddess as a woman sitting on a throne above the clouds, i.e., transcendent, apart from us, but as imminent, with in ourselves. Many would carry this even further and speak of the Goddess as being with all manifestations of life. And more and more women are relating to the idea of divinity not as an anthropomorphic image or even a divine spark within ourselves, as much as it is the flowing energy in the very processes of life and living. Thus Goddess would not be in a person, or tree, or river, so much as she would be the actual organic process, the flow, the changes, transitions, and transformations that the person, tree or river go through. This is an idea that encompasses time as well as space, and is perhaps more closely

>inspirational, courageous. We owe her such a debt of gratitude. I'll

>no doubt be memorializing her on my radio show, Voices of the Sacred

>Feminine this week.


>Karen Tate








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Ancient Sacred Symbol Key To Anti Gravity

Ancient Sacred Symbol Key To Anti Gravity
Before It's News)

Why Did The Romans, Hitler, And Buddha Covet The Swastika For Their Respective "movements"? Why Will The Two Paradigm Altering "movements" Called Nazism And Buddhism Be Forever Associated With The 'hakenkreuz' A.k.a. The Swastika?

The Answer To The Question Is To Be Found "in The Question".

The Reason The Madman Hitler And The Buddha Buddy Both Coveted The Swastika For Their Movement Is Because It Is The KEY To Movement And Understanding/unraveling The Intricacies Of Universal Movement On ALL Levels Of Scaling Big Or Small.

The Swastika Is The MEdiator That Puts You In Touch With Your Higher Self =



So what... you say? So obviously if you want to reach people on an unconscious level to follow you, to get them MOOving, there really is NO better symbol to employ than the 12,000+ year old swastika (source unknown) which can in fact be traced to the birth of human consciousness about 1.37 million years ago, when we started making the handaxe.

Maybe if we could we should probe the asymmetrical brain of George Washington and ask him why he chopped down the cherry tree, and why he wore a Freemason apron as he lay the cornerstone of the Capital Building on Sept. 18, 1793 using the four sacraments spelled COWS.

C ORN in the North

O IL in the West

W INE in the South

S ALT in the East

To better understand how the 21st century will judge the 12,000+ year old swastika on its 'blessed' geometric merits as opposed to political manipulations we need to investigate the NANO world.



It has become apparent to some that our INTUITIVE right brain and LOGICAL left brain take turns playing the game called 'follow the leader'.

Who wants to play follow the leader... the ego shouts out?


"THANKS MICHELANGELO FOR YOUR INTUITIVE HEART"...SOMETHING THE SCIENTISTS TODAY ARE LACKING USING ONLY LOGIC. BE SURE TO CATCH MY NEXT ARTICLE AS I SHOW YOU HOW THE 12,000+ YEAR OLD SWASTIKA REVEALS ITSELF AS "NANO SUPERHERO", RESPONSIBLE FOR OVER 20 DIFFERENT ANCIENT ">RAPHAEL (Standard Hebrew, "Rafael", "It is God who heals", "God Heals", "God, Please Heal") is an archangel of Judaism and Christianity, who in the Judeo-Christian tradition performs all manners of healing.

RAPHAEL is honored in Islam as one of the great archangels. He is Israfel in Islam.

According to the "hadith", He is the angel responsible for signaling the coming of Judgment Day by blowing the trumpet (namely S^ur). According to tradition, the trumpet will be blown three times. The first blow of the trumpet will signal the beginning of Last Day and the second blow will signal the death of every living thing including angels, demons and humans and the third blow will signal the time when all the souls from all ages will be gathered for the Last Judgement.

He is known more commonly as "Israfel" in Islamic history. According to the Quran, he has been holding his breath, waiting for Allah's order to blow the S^ur.

Geometrically, the swastika can be regarded as an irregular icosagon or 20-sided polygon. Characteristic is the 90^0 rotational symmetry and chirality, hence the absence of reflectional symmetry, and the existence of two versions of swastikas that are each others mirror image.




The other two descriptions are ambiguous as it is unclear whether they refer to the arms as leading or being dragged or whether their bending is viewed outward or inward. However, "clockwise" usually refers to the "right-facing" swastika.

The terms are used inconsistently in modern times, which is confusing and may obfuscate an important point, that the rotation of the swastika may have symbolic relevance, although ancient vedic scripts describe the symbolic relevance of clock motion and counter clock motion.

Less ambiguous terms might be "clockwise-pointing" and "counterclockwise-pointing."

Nazi ensigns had a through and through image, so both versions were present, one on each side, but the Nazi flag on land was right-facing on both sides and at a 45^0 rotation.

The name "sauwastika" is sometimes given to the left-facing form of the swastika ().

Here's where it's about to get interesting...

What if the SWASTIKA, a symbol of movement, was the key to FREE ENERGY? [also known as the Free Energy "Movement"]



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Batak Deities

Batak Deities
* MAGUIMBA - Who in remotest times lived among the people, having been summoned by a powerful babaylan, and he supplied all the necessities of Batak life, as well as all the cures for illness. He even had the power to bring the dead back to life.
* DIWATA - Provided for the needs of men and women, and gives out rewards for good deeds. Sanbay is a ritual in honor of Diwata, who is asked by the people to bless them with generous harvests of palay (unhusked rice) and honey. This ritual takes place inside a forest, about 2-3 km from the beach. Two huts are constructed for the ritual. Palay is placed in one of the huts. A replica of a beehive, meanwhile, is situated in another small hut. Prayers are recited to Diwata by the babaylan, after which the people in attendance gather together in festive eating, drinking, and dancing.
* ANGORO - Lives in Basad, a place beyond this world where the souls of the dead go, and it is there where they come to know if they are to proceed to Lampanag (heaven)or be cast into depths of the Basad, where fire and boiling water await these hapless ones.

There are also lesser gods in the Batak pantheon, some of whom are Siabuanan, Bankakah, Paraen, Buengelen, and Baybayen. They are deities of great strength.

* BATUNGBAYANIN - Spirit of the mountains.

* PAGLIMUSAN - Spirit of the small stones.

* BALUNGBUNGANIN - Spirit of the almaciga trees.

* SULINGBUNGANIN - Spirit of the big rocks.

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Child Of The Lady Oil Formula

Child Of The Lady Oil Formula
An incredible oil for Magic, Ritual and Personal Fragrance! Enjoy this exclusive formula!

Fragrance classification is often subject to change, adaptation and alteration. There are various fragrance families such as floral, oriental, woody and fresh. These are further divided into sub groups such as woody-oriental or floral-oriental.

Depending on the time period of classification, and the area of the world the classification system arose, there are numerous fragrance families referenced in most perfumery.

However, Child of the Lady seems to defy classification. It changes during the day, according to your mood and your surroundings. It can be citrus at first, then floral, then woody and amber/oriental and finally even a bit woody and fougere! Most perfumers would probably try to classify it as an "amber" type. Unlike many perfumes, personal anointing oils and ritual oils, CHILD OF THE LADY WILL NOT BECOME ACIDIC OR VINEGARY AS YOU WEAR IT, BUT INSTEAD BLENDS WITH AND ENHANCES YOUR PERSONAL SCENT.

Floral Spicy Amber is probably the most accurate description of the fragrance. However, Child of the Lady defies truly accurate sub-categorization because of its complexity of herbal, citrus, floral, spice, amber and woody notes. IT IS RARE THAT SUCH COMPLEXITY CAN COME OFF SO BALANCED AND WONDERFUL. It took many years for me to perfect the balance and synergistic energy of this unique blend, and now I'm sharing it exclusively to

Child of the Lady (COTL) is formulated as a magic and ritual oil, and as a personal fragrance. Most people would feel that this is a fragrance for women, however it is not gender specific for magic and rituals. We know both men and women who use COTL as their personal, daily fragrance. It is a classy, sensual and spicy fragrance, reminiscent of the exotic, arcane and magical. You might find that this becomes your own, personal signature fragrance.

The energy of COTL is tailored to draw people toward you, especially positive people who will be beneficial in your life, and to accentuate and boost the positive aspects of your personality, energy and appearance.

This makes it excellent for attracting friends and partners, new jobs (great for interviews) and for opening doors of opportunity. At the same time, it helps support memory, psychic skills and intuition, and boosts mental, magical and psychic energy. COTL is unique in that even though it is tailored for drawing and attraction, it is also protective and balanced to prevent negative energies or people from being attracted to you.

Use COTL to anoint candles prior to energy work, spells and rituals, or to anoint tools. It is particularly useful for workings of prosperity, happiness, success, opportunities, compromise, attraction, beauty, drawing, protection, friendship and true love. It is also perfect for personal anointing at initiations and dedications, Sabbats, Esbats and other celebrations, or for daily use.

You should begin creating COTL a week prior to the Full Moon. This will be the waxing moon phase. You will need to allow it to rest for a week before use. You may wish to charge it while creating it, and again on the actual Esbat date. This recipe is designed to be synergistic* and skin safe. Alteration of this recipe is not recommended and may result in a skin irritating oil.


* 20 ml Amber Fragrance Oil (pure concentrate, not diluted)

* 10 g. Amber Resin

* 4 drops Clove Bud Essential Oil (Eugenia caryophyllata from Indonesia)

* 4 to 5 g. Dragon's Blood Resin (a piece about the size of a grape)

In a pestle and mortar, crush the dragon's blood resin into a fine powder. Add the amber fragrance oil and the clove bud essential oil and grind well. (Do not add the amber resin yet!) Allow to rest about 5 minutes so any particulate will settle to the bottom of the oil in the mortar, then grind again.

Cut an unbleached coffee filter so it will fit into a small funnel as shown in the picture to the left (click the picture to enlarge). The smaller you make the filter, the less oil will be absorbed by the paper and wasted. Pour the amber/clove oil and dragon's blood mixture into the filter and allow to drip into a glass bottle. It may take an hour or more to complete this filtration.

After the oil has been filtered, you can discard the paper filter and any dragon's blood particulate it contains, or set it on a glass plate and allow the fragrance to permeate your home like a potpourri. You should now have about 15 ml (1 Tablespoon or 1/2 ounce) of dragon's blood infused amber/clove oil. The paper filter probably absorbed between 1 ml and 8 ml of your oil. Your filtered oil will now appear fiery red or red-orange.

Clean out your pestle and mortar, dry thoroughly and grind the 10 g. of amber resin into a fine paste. Add your filtered dragon's blood/amber/clove oil to the amber paste in the mortar and blend thoroughly. The amber resin should be completely dissolved and your oil should be fairly clear.

Pour the amber/clove/dragon's blood/amber resin oil into a high quality bottle with a phenol cap. These can be obtained through online suppliers found in a Google search. For mixing, I use a bottle with about a 4 oz (118 ml) capacity. After aging, it is best to bottle this oil up in smaller containers of 1/2 oz (15 ml) or less or use to prevent oxygen contamination.

To your bottle containing the above mixture, add the following:

* 6 drops Atlas Cedar Essential Oil (Cedrus atlantica from Morocco)

* 5 ml Liquid Benzoin Resin

* 2 drops Bergamot Essential Oil (Citrus bergamia from Italy)

* 2 lentil size pieces Borneal Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora from China - this will dissolve into the oil during the aging process)

* 2 drops Cassia Essential Oil (Cinnamomum cassia from China)

* 10 ml Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum from Sri Lanka)

* 52 drops Ginger Essential Oil (Zingiber officinale from China)

* 7 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil (Citrus paradisii from California)

* 10 drops Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum from Egypt or India)

* 18 drops Lavender 40/42 Essential Oil (Lavendula officinalis from France)

* 54 drops Lavender Grosso Essential Oil (Lavendula hybrida from France)

* 52 drops Lemon Essential Oil (Citrus limonum cold pressed from California)

* 4 drops Lime Essential Oil (Citrus aurantifolia from Mexico)

* 2 lentil size pieces Mimosa Absolute (Acacia decurrens - India, Tamil Naduacacia decurrens - break up into small sand grain size pieces, these will dissolve into the oil during the aging process)

* 6 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil (Citrus sinensis from Florida)

* 6 drops Bitter Orange Essential Oil (Citrus aurantium from the Dominican Republic)

* 6 drops Mandarin Red Orange Essential Oil (Citrus reticulata from Italy)

* 28 drops Patchouli Essential Oil (Pogostemon cablin from Indonesia)

* 7 drops Pennyroyal Essential Oil (Mentha pulegium from Morocco)

* 10 ml Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena from Bulgaria [preferred] or Russia [also great])

* 10 drops Rosewood Essential Oil (Aniba roseodora from Brazil)

* 28 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil (Santalum album from Mysore India)

* 13 drops Spearmint Essential Oil (Mentha spicata from Oregon, organically grown if available)

* 9 ml Vanilla Fragrance Oil (pure concentrate, not diluted)

* 1600 IU Vitamin E Oil

* 6 drops Neroli Essential Oil (Citrus aurantium flower oil from Egypt)

* 10 drops Geranium Essential Oil (Pelargonium graveolens, Bourbon Type from the Reunion Islands)

* 1/2 of a lentil size piece Pine Moss Absolute (Evernia furfuacea from France - This is the same Evernia species that grows on oaks and is also called "Oak Moss," however, the species found growing on pines takes on a better woody note and should be used instead of oak moss when available. - this will dissolve in the oil during the aging process)

* 9 ml Ylang Ylang Essential Oil (first extraction type, Cananga odorata genuina from Madagascar)

Seal your bottle tightly and shake well.

Place into your freezer for one hour. Remove and thaw. Shake thoroughly again. Repeat the freeze/thaw/shake cycle two more times (for a total of three freeze/thaw cycles).

Allow your oil to age and rest in a cool, dark place (not as cold as the refrigerator). Shake the oil thoroughly at least once a day, and better yet, every few hours or so. Your oil should age at least a week and if you began creating it a week prior to the full moon, you can charge it and use it during your Esbat celebration. If you notice any pieces of mimosa absolute, pine moss absolute or Borneol camphor, you'll need to age it longer. These can sometimes take a bit longer to completely integrate into the oil.

This recipe is for what is know in the perfume world as a CONCENTRATE. It is a very potent, pure fragrance that would be diluted by the large perfume houses with alcohols, benzophenone, artificial coloring, carrier and fixed oils, etc. to become an extract (perfume or parfum), eau de parfum, toilet water or eau de cologne. Any oil of this intense concentration may stain clothing and react with jewelry or plastics. Store in glass and apply sparingly to areas that will not come into contact with jewelry or plastic.

Note the proportion of concentrate used in the following products in the Fragrance Concentration chart below. COTL is listed as "PaganPath Oils " />

It is not recommended that you make COTL into a cologne or other dilute product. However, if you have any skin sensitivity to the concentrate (very unlikely), you may find it beneficial to blend the entire amount of concentrate you create from this recipe with an equal amount of Di-propylene glycol (DPG). DPG can help make essential oils more skin safe, slows evaporation and blends with the other oils best.

SYNERGISTIC* the total effect is greater than the sum of the individual ingredients, expressed as 2 + 2 = 5.

SUPPLY NOTE The amber resin used in this recipe is the soft, fragrant type sold in lumps. Trade Wind amber is preferred for this recipe, however you may use celestial, honey, red or any other type of amber you prefer. Trade Wind amber can usually be found on ebay.


* PDF: Fragrance Perception: Is Everything Relative? Recent research presents a leap towards a consensus in fragrance mapping by Laura Donna

* A good Fragrance Wheel with the fragrance families

* Wikipedia on the Fragrance Wheel

* I do still make this formula and have some on hand in solid form. This is three parts of the pure concentrate to one part pure beeswax, making a 75% concentration. A small container (about.15 ounce - approximately the amount in most tubes of lip balm) is available for about 25. Contact me if you wish to purchase some.

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