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Pathways Of The Runes

Pathways Of The Runes
Odin's Gateways: A Practical Guide To The Wisdom Of The Runes Through Galdr, Sigils And Casting by Katie Gerrard

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

To receive the knowledge of the Runes Odin hung upside down for 9 days and had one of his eyes pecked out by a raven. At least that is how the legend goes. In reality the Runes were developed by the Northern Europeans and spread over the England. Three Runic alphabets developed Futhark, Futhork and Elder Furthark. This book focuses on the Elder Futhark.

Author Katie Gerard had worked with the Runes for well over ten years before she decided to write this book. At the The meat of the book deals with the Runes themselves. This section is very concise and to the point. It is also very thorough. Each rune is given ample explanation of it's meaning, life lesson and how to use it in spellcraft.The reader is also given guidance in how to pronounce the rune as well. This is something that can be referred to many times over.

The final part of the book give over information on how to make runes, use bind runes and some specific spells. Any material can be used for making runes. One can use clay, wood or stones. The actual rune letters should be painted in red. In ancient times they were painted in blood. Now a days you can just add a drop of your own blood if you find that really necessary.

This most like one of the best

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