Pagan Wiccan


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Wednesday In The Word

Wednesday In The Word And The Truth Shall Make You Free
Remember the old saying, "We don't appreciate what we have

until we lose it
" ? Whoever penned that line was probably speaking

from experience. Many times we have to experience the loss of

a possession or even a loved one before we really appreciate what

we had. Could it be that we as Americans might not fully

appreciate and recognize what a great thing freedom is until

we lose it someday?

As wonderful as "freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom

of the press, etc.
" is in our lives, there is a freedom we can have

that is far superior to any of these. That is the freedom the Bible

speaks about in John 8: 31-32..."...If ye continue in my word,

then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth,

and the truth shall make you free." The Jews to whom Jesus

was talking said to Him, "What do you mean we shall be free?

We are not in bondage to any man.
" To this Jesus replied,"Verily,

verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

And the servant abideth not in the house forever: but the Son

abideth ever. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall

be free indeed." We can never fully understand what the Lord

Jesus Christ has done for us except we "continue in His WORD",

the Holy Bible. If we want to be free in the truest sense of the

word, then we need to take advantage of having God's Word

available to us in written form and read it every chance we get.

A few years ago in a campmeeting at a church in Kentucky, I heard a preacher quote

a poem about "The Book". It stirred my heart so much that I later asked

him to write it down for me. I have carried that poem on an index

card in my Bible ever since. I have no idea who the original author

is but I would like to share it with you today. The preacher didn't

write a title on it, so I will just call it The Book. I hope it will be as much

of a blessing to you as it is to me.


Though the cover is worn

And the pages are torn

Though places bear traces of tears

Still more precious than gold

Is this Book worn and old

That can shatter and scatter my fears.

This old Book is my Guide

Tis a Friend by my side

It will lighten and brighten my way

And each promise I find

Soothes and gladdens my mind

As I read it and heed it each day.

May God help us to "read it and heed it each day" that our nation may turn back to the God of our Fathers!

God bless you!


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