Pagan Wiccan


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Touched By Pagan Culture Tuesday

Touched By Pagan Culture Tuesday 13
I love posting Touched by Pagan Culture Tuesday! almost as much as I love getting awards from my Wicked Darlings. Today, I feel double lucky because I get to do both at the same time. WoooHooo!

I don't know if it is spring or what, but Pagan Culture continues to get more Beautiful by the minute, and if that wasn't enough The Wickedest Witch of New York seems to have become a Blogger Buddy. I want to thank Spirit Phoenix: The Fire Within and Analae from As Within for reiterating that the creator of Pagan Culture is hot beautiful, that makes me feel all nice and warm inside. Want to know what else makes me feel nice and warm inside? Lavender tea and an award that says that I'm a Blogger Buddy. Thanks Melissa aka Equidae, I'm honored to know that the goddess of The Lotus Page considers me a blogger buddy.

Here are the rules of the beautiful blogger award:1. Thank the person who gave you this award.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!

4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.The Blogger Buddy Award says that you have to pass it to 10 bloggers, who I presume you consider your buddies. Well my loves, you know me; I've been known for my rule breakage tendencies. So here it goes:7 things about me:

* I'm trying a new lavender tea and it tastes like soap.

* My butt is numb; I should probably change positions.

* My bra is killing me, which makes me wonder why in the Gods' names am still wearing the damn thing!

* I brush my teeth with children, strawberry flavored, toothpaste.

* I'm falling in love with Jean Toomer's writing.

* I think people with pointy canines, that are slightly longer than the rest of their teeth, have very SEXY smiles.

* I really LOVE riding the Staten Island Ferry!

Now to the "rule breakage". I'm forwarding the Beautiful Award to 2 interesting bloggers I found recently, and the Buddy Award to 11 bloggers who have won a special place in my heart. Yes, that makes my lucky 13!

2 Beautiful Bloggers I found recently:

* Mermaid Gallery Nelson

* The Play of Light and Shadow

11 Blogger Buddies:

* Cogent Ascending

* Peek-A-Boo

* Me vs. College

* One Pink Fish

* Piexie's Faerie Art

* Judy's Photos

* Hysterical Jugglings

* Written In Earth

* SueAnn's Journey

* Soulstrings

* A College Girl's Days

This was a very difficult award to give, for each of you has claimed a bit of my heart; the 11 I mentioned are just really greedy!

Another thing, Lora from fever, posted this really interesting game and I wanted to play (I just hate to feel left out). The game is supposed to help her analyze people through their handwriting. Here are the rules:

write the following

1) Your name/blog name.

2) Right-handed, left-handed, or ambidextrous?

3) Favorite letters to write.

4) Least favorite letters to write.

5) Write "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

6) Write the following words in capital letters:






7) Write your favorite song lyric.

8) Tag people!

9) Any special note or picture.

And now to get Touched by Pagan Culture Tuesday! you need to do the following:

1. Be one of my Wicked Darlings (Follow the blog).2. Comment on this posts.*If you follow through Facebook ONLY, make sure to point that out after your comments.

For extra entries:*Twitter about this post and leave me a comment with the link (Twitter daily, each day is worth an entry!).*Become a follower of one of the nominees and leave me a comment telling me why you chose him/her.*Analyze my handwriting and leave me a comment telling me what you've discovered about my inner Witch.

The Wicked Darling to be Touched will be chosen April 1st, no joke ;-D

Tags: morphology parasite branches weak branche  the necronomicon book  psychic revelation  magical potion  david steinberg of house of david  general principles of astrology crowley