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While the three witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth were concerned with predicting the future (Double, double toil and trouble). At Halloween, a coven of witches traditionally focuses their attention on the spirits of the dead. Indeed, this is where the black cat comes into the legend, for it is believed that a witch can turn into a black cat and thus freely enter the spirit world. Witches use the powers of the waxing moon to improve the efficacy of good luck spells. For example, they use white candles for positive energy and green candles for healing. Here is a witches spell to cure nightmares: repeat this incantation 13 times:'Red leaves, gift from earth,
Birth to death and death to birth,
Keep all evil far away,
Day to night and night to day.'HERE IS A FAMOUS WITCHES POEM - THE WITCHING HOUR BY JOHN KEATSTis the witching hour of night,
Or bed is the moon and bright,
And the stars they glisten, glisten,
Seeming with bright eyes to listen
For what listen they?
Important Announcement!
The ATC Full Moon Circle scheduled for tonight in Index has been
canceled due to hazardous road conditions. Everyone Please stay
safe and warm!
If you are inclined to do any personal Full Moon work tonight, I
would like to share the following excerpt from the Hermit's Lantern
written by Rev. Paul Beyerl:
" This Full Moon has an excellent influence. It is a time to invoke
blessings for all manner of benefits and goodness into your
life. You are in the early stages of a Neptune transit lasting
several months. Although it typically brings some uncertainty and
even confusion about the direction of your life, it also opens you up
to new possibilities. This will most be felt in the areas of your
belief system, personal philosophy, and desire to learn and
grow. Mars Days the 16th-21st may feel challenging and something you
were hoping for may not turn out as you had hoped, but it is good to
have this over with before the Solstice."
Many Thanks and Blessings to All -
Kathi De Anda
ATC Full Moon Ritual Coordinator
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But don't worry, according to the MSM he's totally a "devout Christian" or something.
President Obama has picked Myrlie Evers-Williams, widow of slain civil rights icon Medgar Evers, to deliver the invocation at his public swearing-in later this month. It is believed to be the first time a woman, and a layperson rather than a clergy member, has been chosen to deliver what may be America's most prominent public prayer.
The inaugural committee Tuesday plans to announce that the benediction will be given by conservative evangelical pastor Louie Giglio, founder of the student-focused Passion Conferences, which draw tens of thousands of people to events around the world.
The contrasting choice of speakers are typical of a president who has walked a sometimes complicated path when it comes to religion - working to be inclusive to the point that critics at times have questioned his faith.
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US Vice President Dick Cheney yesterday warned that "all options" are on the table if Iran continues to defy UN-led efforts to end Teheran's nuclear ambitions, leaving the door open to military action.
Lets take an honest look at what is going on here, for decades the domination of the middle east has been in the works, the prime opponent in the new world order is religious fanatics, those who base their entire lives on some archaic text, rarely if ever connected to any present day reality with a burning desire to convert and spread their "truth" to the unbelievers.
What is the end result of not nipping all of this in the bud? A continued spreading of this backwards mono and polytheistic religions, those who would behead scientists and close schools, those who would be more than happy to cover every inch of a women's body in public while smashing radios and TVs to quell education and free expression, throwing the entire world back into the dark ages of which we are only now truly emerging.
The western worlds government is secular with a populace that spans a multitude of beliefs, the fractured christian church, broken into many thousands of rather weak and strange denominations has more or less merged with modern society, becoming a shadow of what it once was in power, and in substance, really nothing more than a "be happy" temple sitting on the street corner. The evangelical power base in America is being manipulated by government to support a secularization of the middle east through war, obviously they have chose this over trying to use reason to herd popular support, polarizing people on religious grounds is truly tapping into deep and old entrenched systems of control and manipulation.
If the west does not move forward in crushing the middle east then we are left with one scenario, a middle east that grows in power, with Islamic government fueled by oil trade to China and elsewhere, creating an Islamic Nuclear powered Union, and even the dim can understand what that means. The chess game of revolving CIA implanted governments in Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan etc. is a less than perfect mechanism of control, with an Islamic populace, eventually the people overthrow this proxy.
The big picture is that someone always comes out on top, its just like mafia, except on a grand scale, the world will rest under one government, its inevitable, it's the unalienable path of nature and evolution of civilizations, resisting that is like biting on a rock.
I believe this is not a neo-conservative worldview, it is a realistic one, if the world does not move forward it moves backward, with 300 Mosques in Britain and Islam spreading like fire in Europe, if the west does not ignite the fire now, we will be overrun in a few decades.
I do not want to live under any religious government, a secular government means a religion is not shoved down the throats of the people, we really don't need some archaic text dictating our moral compass, human beings are capable of knowing right from wrong, someone without an ancient book under their arm to dictate behavior does in most cases behave better than those who do. The concept, the idea, the control mechanism of threatening people with eternal damnation and the fiery pits of hell is a crude and primitive method to extract obedience to government through its mouthpiece, its propaganda arm, the preachers on the pulpit "belief system" snake oil salesmen of the varied religions, 501-C3 tax exempt churches remain tax exempt as long as they spoon feed the sheep the latest talking points and tell them exactly what to think. This whole system is on its way out, though it will be used as one mechanism to manipulate the populations until its already hollow doctrines erode to Nil, as science and education fill the gap.
It may seem quite insane to use war as unpleasant as it is to bring a world government into view, this is the most effective tool by far, using destruction, before something can be built something first has to be destroyed. I do believe it is the sanest option when the big picture is viewed with plain reason, I guess its a simple question, in 2300 AD. do we want captain Kirk flying around in the solar system or Shiek allah abu baba adid and the 40 birka chicks?, oh wait, I forgot they will smash all the university's in 2050 so we can all stay in 500 AD forever, ahh and all the birka chicks will be dumb and silent smashing rice in the corner of their mud huts. It all comes down to what kind of world do we want for our posterity, we should all seriously consider the big picture, the future starts now, the past is as gone as death, it all may have well never existed if we wish it, what kind of world do you want?, yes it matters.-Citizen
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(These One A Days are added to each day)
I talked with a man the other day who said he had been a member of his church for 28 years, but last year was the first time he had ever taken Christ home with him. He had invited the minister for dinner, had church officers meet in his living room, served the Young People on his patio, but never Christ... never Christ.
Because Christ was born life down through the ages has become one series of miracles after the other. Discouraged folks have cheered up, sour folks have sweetened up, closed folks have opened up, gossipers have shut up, conflicted folks have made up, lukewarm folks have fired up and pew potatoes have stood up. (Rick Kirchoff, Memphis Methodist Annual Conference)
Once upon a time there was a birth in Bethlehem, and his name was Jesus and his timeless gift to man was an eternal guarantee of love and forgiveness. "Be of good cheer. I have overcome the world."
The church was not our idea or any of our ancestor's idea. It was God's idea. "Upon this rock I will build my church." Jesus said this of the faith of Peter, and He says it to you and me
Have you visited my "Life Is Not What It Is But What You Make It" site. Go to Google and where it says "Google Search" type in "Wyrick's Writings"
Have you considered sharing this site with family or friends? Just have them go to Google Search and type in "Neil Spiritual Vitamins"
And, yes, hope you make visiting this site a daily habit.
From: Orthodox Christianity and the English Tradition by Fr. Andrew Phillips
"But when did the process of Schism begin? And when did it end? (...)
"We believe that the Schism process begins at the end of the 8th century among a select few at the Court of Charles the Great, Charlemagne. It began with the revival of pagan Roman knowledge, of the Judeo-Babylonian legacy of Rome. In the sin of pride, Charlemagne wanted to set up a new Roman Empire in the West. All Western rulers have since tried to do the same, but all their Empires, like Charlemagne's, have fallen, because they lacked God's blessing in their pride.
"To renew the Roman Empire Charlemagne had first to reject the Christian Roman Empire, Romanity, whose capital was in New Rome, the City of the first Christian Roman Emperor, Constantinople. Ideologically this was possible by reviving the pagan or classical Roman system of thought.
"This meant, in other words, reviving rationalism, the use of the human reason, the syllogism and dialectic, what St Paul calls 'fleshly wisdom' (2 Cor. 1, 12). (...)
"The uses of such rationalistic techniques eventually led, in the late 11th century, to a new culture, a new way of thinking. They led to:
- The rejection of theology in favour of philosophy.
- The rejection of monasticism in favour of scholasticism.
- The rejection of monasteries in favour of universities.
- The rejection of the Gospel in favour of pagan writers.
- The rejection of cultivating the heart in favour of cultivating the intellect.
- The rejection of ascetically-won grace in favour of intellectually-won learning.
- The rejection of the knowledge of the world to come by the Uncreated Light in favour of the despair of the graceless knowledge of the fallen world here and now.
"Ultimately it is this graceless and godless rationalism that built the modern world as we know it, from the Atomic Bomb to the IBM computer.
(...) "Thus, in the Middle Ages, the Western mind saw God as a stern, vengeful, feudal baron. In the Renaissance, Michelangelo portrayed Him as a sensuous, fleshly deity. The 18th century 'Enlightenment' depicted Him as a god of Reason, the expression of deism.
"Today, if the West says that God does not exist, it is simply because He does not exist in the mind of 'modern' man.
"This does not mean His objective non-existence, it simply means that 'modern' Western man has succeeded, after centuries of efforts, in chasing God from his mind.
"Man feels abandoned by God - but this is only because man has abandoned God, not because God has abandoned man."
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Religion seems to be on the decline in America - even as the most fervent believers are becoming more vocal and more demanding that their worldview become the law of the land.
This essay comes from Davidson Loehr at Religion Dispatches.
Is God Irrelevant?
Between 'New Atheism' and believers, Apatheism forges a different path
Abandoned church in rural oregon courtesy flickr user p medved.
By Davidson Loehr
While the media still milks the chattering and snarling between theists and atheists, most people are bored by this show, and many have quietly moved into a more productive position. Growing numbers of people don't particularly "care" whether or not there are gods since, even if there are, they don't seem able to do anything in our world. If they're omnipotent, they appear to be indifferent to the small and large-scale wars, tragedies, and slaughters around us. If they're impotent, who needs them?
Even when people are reflexively tempted to thank God for saving them from a disaster that may have killed hundreds or thousands of other people, they don't want to say it too loudly-because they know someone may ask them, rhetorically, what their God had against the thousands he let die. Even bromides about God have lost much of their usefulness.
Still, with or without gods, we cannot escape the existential questions that have underwritten all the religions-and most civil codes of law-throughout human history:
"Who am I?"
"What am I serving that will outlive me and carry my love and my work forward?"
"How should I live so that when I look back on my life, whether a year or decades from now, I can honestly be glad I've lived the way I did?"
Theologians, ministers, and active congregants may say, correctly, that their religions still offer some responses to these most basic human questions. But theologians and preachers can no longer claim (and anyway are no longer granted) any particular authority for their differing, often warring, prescriptions.
Christine Wicker, author of "The Fall of the Evangelical Nation," and David T. Stone, author of "The American Church in Crisis," are among the authors citing research that shows a dismal picture of American religion: o Christian churches are losing two million people a year. o Between just 2000-2005, church attendance declined in all fifty states. o No matter what people may tell pollsters about their church habits, when you count the bodies in the pews, fewer than 18% of Americans attend any church regularly; 82% don't. o When asked to rate eleven groups in terms of respect, non-Christians rated evangelicals tenth. Only prostitutes ranked lower. After the stories of hypocritical preachers and political moralists caught with paid lovers, it might be interesting to ask the prostitutes about that ranking.
Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens are dismissed as "New Atheists" by many of the faithful. Others see them as today's prophets. As much as anything, their attacks seem like the moves of predators taking out the weakest members of the herd. Wherever we come down, we have become used to reading-or skipping-broad dismissals of religion like these: "There's no longer evidence for a need of God, even less of Christ. The so-called traditional churches look like they are dying. A remarkable culture-shift has taken place around us. The most basic contours of American culture have been radically altered. The so-called Judeo-Christian consensus of the last millennium has given way to a post-modern, post-Christian, post-Western [culture]... Clearly, there is a new narrative, a post-Christian narrative, that is animating large portions of this society. The post-Christian narrative... is based on an understanding of history that presumes a less tolerant past and a more tolerant future, with the present as an important transitional step. Democracy demands that the religiously motivated translate their concerns into universal, rather than religion-specific, values. Democracy requires that their proposals be subject to argument, and amenable to reason."
What gives these particular critiques more power is that, in fact, they don't come from atheists, but from people who are profoundly invested in religion. In order, these three quotes came from Pope Benedict XVI, Dr. R. Albert Mohler (president of the Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, KY-one of the world's largest), and Barack Obama.
Read the whole essay.
~ Davidson Loehr has a Ph.D. in methods of studying religion, theology, the philosophy of religion and the philosophy of science, with an additional focus on language philosophy (The University of Chicago, 1988). From 1986 to 2009, he served as a Unitarian minister, and has been a Fellow in the Jesus Seminar since 1992. He has one book, "America, Fascism & God: Sermons from a Heretical Preacher" (Chelsea Green, 2005). Now retired from the ministry, he is spending this year building a platform to become involved in national discussions of religion, science, values, and culture, and working on a second book: "The Rise of Secular Religion in America."
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This is a short, very basic list of common trees and their associated powers. Please bear in mind that tree magic needn't be limited to these tree types, for every tree has its own inherent powers which vary from tree to tree. Experiment!
* ALMOND: Divination. Clairvoyance. Wisdom. Money. Loans. Business.
* APPLE: Healing. Prosperity. Love. Perpetual Youth.
* ASH: Protection. Sea Magick.
* APRICOT: Love.
* ASPEN: Protection.
* BIRCH: Protection. Purification. Fertility. New beginnings.
* CEDAR: Prosperity. Longevity.
* COCONUT: Purity. Chastity. Healing.
* CYPRESS: Past life workings. Protection.
* ELDER: Healing. Protection. Prosperity.
* ELM: Protection.
* EUCALYPTUS: Healing.
* FIG: Fertility. Strength. Energy. Health.
* HAWTHORN.: Cleansing. Marriage. Love. Protection.
* HAZEL: Divination. Marriage. Protection. Reconciliation.
* HEMLOCK: Astral Projection, Not recommended for healing spells.
* JUNIPER: Protection.
* LEMON: Divination. Healing. Chastity. Neutrality.
* LIME: Divination. Healing. Chastity. Neutrality.
* LINDEN: Protection.
* MAPLE: Divination. Love.
* MULBERRY: Knowledge. Divination. Wisdom. The will.
* OAK: Healing. Strength. Money. Longevity.
* OLIVE: Peace. Fruitfulness. Security. Money. Marriage. Fidelity.
* ORANGE: Love. Marriage.
* PALM: Strength.
* PEACH: Love. Divination.
* PINE: Purification. Health. Fortune. Fertility. Prosperity.
* ROWAN: Protection. Strength.
* WALNUT: Healing. Protection.
* WILLOW: Healing. Protection. Enchantments. Wishing. Easy delivery of babies.
* YEW: Dark Magick. Not recommended for healing spells.
From: Earth Power
Researcher and author Graham Hancock presented his thesis that "supernatural" entities such as aliens and fairies are actually transdimensional beings that humans encounter during altered states of consciousness. The ability to shape-shift has been ascribed to both modern aliens as well as elves and other entities reported centuries ago, he detailed.
Around 35,000 to 40,000 years ago humans underwent a sudden change, and the emergence of cave and rock paintings are evidence of this, said Hancock, who noted that some of their depictions were of part human/part animal beings. He believes these represent the supernatural entities, and through altered states (probably due to ingesting psilocybin mushrooms) humans learned advanced skills from their encounters with these beings.
Here is the Coast to Coast AM Radio show with George Noory interviewing Graham Hancock who discusses Shamanism, Aliens, Transdimensional Beings, Pixies, Elves... the supernatural realm in general ! Very interesting indeed !
Nowadays, shamans commonly have such altered state communications. They feel humanity is at a crossroads- the West has lost contact with the spirit world, and many of the world's woes are due to this, Hancock reported. As part of his experiential research, he traveled to South America and took the psychedelic brew ayahuasca. During one such episode, he described a confrontation with an alien being, but rather than being an extraterrestrial, he suggested it inhabits another dimension that can only be accessed during an altered state.
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Death - The Thirteenth Tarot Card
"By Lisa Finander"
Samhain begins at dusk on October 31st and is the Celtic New Year's Eve. The god of summer is defeated and the god of winter and death now presides over mother earth. This is a special day, the time of year when the veil between the world of the living and the dead is the thinnest, and a time when the communication between these worlds is the strongest. This has its good and bad points, depending on if the visiting spirits are welcome or not!
When inviting loved ones home that usually reside in the Otherworld, it is customary to either set an empty place at the table with food and drink for deceased relatives or leave it outside for any traveling souls returning to the places they once lived. The belief is that the souls nourish themselves on the soul of the food provided. Bonfires (from the English bone-fires) were lit, allowing the dead a place to warm themselves by. Doors, windows, and gates were unlocked to make sure their long-awaited guests knew they were welcome. Jack-o'-lanterns (originally carved turnips) were prominently displayed to protect the living and scare away evil spirits. The carvings depicted protective guardians living in the spirit world.
Samhain is also a time when the ordinary rules of society don't pertain, challenging the established order and introducing chaos. People dress up in costumes switching conventional gender roles, wear masks that emulate spirits or departed ancestors, and both worlds celebrate together.
During this transformational period between light and dark, and life and death, there is an opening - a pause in time when magic is believed to be at its strongest, making it a perfect time for divination and seeing what the next year holds. It's a great time to expand your intuitive skills. You could plan your own divination party and give yourself a "New Year's" reading to boot. Llewellyn has a variety of At the beginning of November, Mexico celebrates "Day of the Dead," or Dia de los Muertos. While the specific dates and observances vary depending on the region, the core of the holiday is the same - to honor family and friends who have died. Cemeteries and homes are decorated with flowers, and offering tables are laid out with gifts of food, clothing and anything the loved one enjoyed in life. Some believe this is a time set aside for remembrance, while others believe that the dead literally return in spirit for a visit, communing with the family and enjoying the essence of the offerings left for them.
However you choose to spend this day, make it a celebration and remembrance of past, present and future love. Take time to stop and honor the sacredness of all your relationships, with special focus on those we can no longer touch. May all your readings be good ones.
"Happy Halloween!"
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Rituals to attract a partner should never be directed towards a specific person. Instead are carrying the intention to find a partner that has the qualities that cause you respect, and focus on what feelings you will experience by joining with him in the relationship.
DATE: Friday, rising moon or full moon.
CANDLES: your astrological candle or any other candle with images on it your zodiacal sign, three thin pink candle or three small church (ceremonial) candles.
SPELL: My heart is open to the senses. My love goes to meet me. I get up and greet her, as well as the nature meets new day.
INCENSE: marjoram, rose or honeysuckle.
CRYSTALS: Rose Quartz, Aventurine.
OIL: Muscat.
THE RITUAL: light a candle shrine. Place the incense around the altar candles and set fire to it. Put the crystal next to an altar candle. Lubricate the astrological candle oil from the wick to the bottom and put it in front of an altar candle. Grease three pink candles and put them in a triangle: one - on either side of the astrological candles and one - in front of her. Light the candles, starting with the astrological candles. Read the spell. Repeat it several times, peering into the flames. Let the candles burn out completely.
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Completed version of the toon first posted as a black and white on the last "SUNDAY FUNNIES" at "STOP THE ACLU". A follow up to this toon is in progress and will be posted later tomorrow (Tuesday).
I frequently receive subject suggestions for new cartoons, which are usually more appropriate to the cultural milieu than the ones I decide to embark upon. William Scott Conway from "CHRISTIAN BOARD.COM "and "CLIVE SINCLAIR LEWIS, IN THE WARDROBE "writes "'This might be an interesting thing for you to do a cartoon on. What would Faithmouse have to say about a liberal instructing the Christian church on how to show love'?" Jack Melanson of "JESUS CHRIST GARMENTS" suggests 'I sure would like to see a cartoon about the British hierarchy of the
Roman Catholic church declaring parts of the bible to be untrue'. A great idea as well, and from the "TIMES ONLINE" article referred to by Jack I discovered this very intriguing bit of information-
"A Christian charity is sending a film about the Christmas story to every primary school in Britain after hearing of a young boy who asked his teacher why Mary and Joseph had named their baby after a swear word."
Now, "that's" a cartoon.
To William I offer this Bob Geldorf toon I drew during Live Aid. To Jack I emailed these thoughts-
That's a great idea, Jack. I missed the story, so thanks.
Catholics in Great Britain have caught the same disorder the Anglicans have long suffered from. Faith means trust in that which those not in the spirit find utterly impossible to believe, and that faith is in turn a gift from God. These faithless religious pronounce the cross moot, which is why church attendance is so dismal in Britain. As a Catholic I know that scripture is true; the difference I might have with Protestants on the validity of scripture is that some parts of the Bible may be considered teaching stories, poetry or prose, but all books are true and equally significant. Viewing scripture as revelation or as the record of revelation is comparable to the difference between considering a biography of a historical figure or a novel about a great literary one; I know Christ is real and so do you, but this is a gift and it's a product of that gift that we can afford to give the benefit of the doubt to those who seem to do a better job than we at following the example of Christ the literary figure than Christ the savior of the world. However, even the most faithless of theologians (who are only acting their faith in the first place since it springs primarily from themselves) must admit that the 'plays' the thing. When you start to pick and choose what you can accept from scripture, you destroy the spiritual significance of the timeline of Christ, which is the true 'story' of scripture. The Bible is the living record of the need for, promise of, and the first coming of Christ. When you merit as useless that which you decide you can't use, you create a secular document and faith, which I suppose is the intention. Catholics, most of us at least, are better than that.
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(This was found on the BBS Viking Magick, but is obviously the Pledge written and used by Circle Sanctuaries' Pagan Spirit Alliance, and I thus identify it as such for those interested in it and Circle.
I am a Pagan and I dedicate Myself to channeling the Spiritual Energy of my Inner Self to help and to heal myself and others.
I know that I am a part of the Whole of Nature. May I grow in understanding of the Unity of all Nature. May I always walk in Balance.
May I always be mindful of the diversity of Nature as well as its Unity and may I always be tolerant of those whose race, appearance, sex, sexual preference, culture, and other ways differ from my own.
May I use the Force (psychic power) wisely and never use it for aggression nor for malevolent purposes. May I never direct it to curtail the free will of another.
May I always be mindful that I create my own reality and that I have the power within me to create positivity in my life.
May I always act in honorable ways: being honest with myself and others, keeping my word whenever I have given it, fulfilling all responsibilities and commitments I have taken on to the best of my ability.
May I always remember that whatever is sent out always returns magnified to the sender. May the Forces of Karma move swiftly to remind me of these spiritual commitments when I have begin to falter from them, and may I use this Karmic feedback to help myself grow and be more attuned to my Inner Pagan Spirit.
May I always remain strong and committed to my Spiritual ideals in the face of adversity and negativity. May the Force of my Inner Spirit ground out all malevolence directed my way and transform it into positivity. May my Inner Light shine so strongly that malevolent forces can not even approach my sphere of existence.
May I always grow in Inner Wisdom & Understanding. May I see every problem that I face as an opportunity to develop myself spiritually in solving it.
May I always act out of Love to all other beings on this Planet - to other humans, to plants, to animals, to minerals, to elementals, to spirits, and to other entities.
May I always be mindful that the Goddess and God in all their forms dwell within me and that this divinity is reflected through my own Inner Self, my Pagan Spirit.
May I always channel Love and Light from my being. May my Inner Spirit, rather than my ego self, guide all my thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Copied from Mark Sumpter The Man wth a Wiccan Plan ^.^
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Sweeteners are used in hoodoo to help "sweeten" someone's disposition to you, make you appear favorable in their eyes and make you attractive to them. The type of sweetener isn't as important as the application ther. The most common type of spell is either a honey jar spell or a sugar box spell, but rootworkers in the past have even used corn syrup, maple syrup or molasses in their work.
Honey Jar Spells
The typical honey jar spell is a very gentle but effective working to get someone to think favorably toward you. Basically it consists of taking someone's personal concerns, putting them in a honey jar along with any herbs or items to influence what you desire, capping off the jar and then (optionally) burning candles on top of the jar to bring light to the situation.
Finding honey in an actual glass jar with a metal lid is almost impossible now a days. I've found the best solution is to buy the honey in the typical plastic container and transfer it to a glass mason jar for spell work. Below are a few sample honey jar spells for you to try out.
Honey Jar to Attract a Man's Affections
On a Monday, take a strand of your hair, and a strand of hair from the man you want to get, tie them around a Queen Elizabeth Root that has been dressed with Love me Now! Oil (available from Take a red offertory candle (6" tall) dress it with Love me Now! Oil stroking the oil toward you. Melt the butt of the candle a little bit and quickly stick it to the top of the honey jar. Now light the candle and allow it to burn all the way down bringing light (and heat) to your honey jar spell. You can interpret the way the candle burns and the way the wax melts for further signs into your working. Burn 7 red candles total on top of the jar - 1 per day.
After that, you can then burn candles to keep "working that jar" until you have his affections. Once you have him as a lover, you can bury the honey jar in your backyard to keep him in your home.
Honey Jar to Win a Court Case
Obtain either a photo of the judge that will be ruling your case or a business card that he has personally handed to you. On the back of it write the judge's name 7 times. Turn it 90 degrees clockwise and write your name across his 7 times. Around this block of text write "Rule in my favor" in one continual line (never lifting your pen from the paper) forming an unbroken circle around your crossed names. Dress the photo with a 5-spot pattern (like the 5 on the side of a die) with Court Case Oil. Fold the photo in half toward you, turn it 1/4 turn clockwise and fold it in half again, and repeat that action one more time.
Obtain a honey jar, and push the dressed photo (or business card) into the honey. When you withdraw your honey covered finger state "As this honey tastes sweet to me, so shall you find me sweet and rule in my favor!" Add in a piece of Little John to Chew (Court Case Root), some Sage and a pinch of tobacco. Cap off the honey jar and pray hard over it for the judge to rule in your favor. Call out to him, to his spirit, and claim by the righteous name of God that you be vindicated in court and that the judge's gavel will fall in favor of your case.
Dress a brown offertory candle with Court Case Oil and affix it to the top of the honey jar. Allow that to burn all the way down, letting the wax drip all over the jar. Interpret the behavior of the flame and the wax as signs for how your work is going. Burn a total of 7 candles on that jar to start. You can burn more of varying colors to affect the court and the judge as needed.
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With the patience of an arrow ridden
elephant on the battlefield of life,
one should look up to the endurance
of the elephant as a testimony
of how it is possible to not be offended
by the harsh and arrow like words of others.
Though many are inconsiderate of the Buddha Nature,
those who are warriors of the Dharma
are not weakened by the defects that arise
from negative emotional states.
Trained for excellence in all domains
that requires mindfulness over mindlessness,
the elephant of one's will is what keeps the sadhaka
spiritually fit to take on the sufferings of countless confused minds.
Unlike other well trained beasts of burden
and animal like men of high or low reputation and social standing,
best is he who is mindful of having to be mindful at all costs.
What animals and men alike cannot do
in terms of helping one reach the point of liberated consciousness,
a deeply investigated mind can.
Sleeping too much while awake
and drowsy to Reality,
the downward tendencies of the mind
causes one to be re-born again and again
into the stifling conditions of habitual awareness.
No longer accustomed to an
unrestrained stream of illusory and non-illusory perceptions,
the elephant that is one's mind
pulls oneself out of the mud of laziness
by having confidence in a Buddha's compassionate strength.
Roaming in the forest as a king without a crown,
one's inward elephant makes way
for the pleasantness of the Buddha Nature
to walk through the forest unhampered
by the forces which dominate Samsaric existence.
Being the outward expression
of virtue, faith and joy,
the Dharma in its capacity to liberate consciousness
makes all who traverse one's path upon the battlefield of life
into Accomplished Ones by way of seeing the perfection
and mastery of a self realized control of the self luminous and empty mind.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
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"Nothing can make our life, or the lives of other people, more beautiful than perpetual kindness."
"~LEO TOLSTOY" (1828-1910)
Such a truth we know through and through and it resonates through us to the core. The beauty in kindness is the richness of love manifest in situations where kindness is hardly called for. What is kindness if it is predictable, necessary, or obvious?
No, kindness is nobler than that.
Kindness does what anybody could do, but with it is that sense of innovative vision - an X-factor - that always looks obvious in hindsight. This is because compassion emerges as an act from a heart won completely to love in that moment.
It is, therefore, a fact, that anyone can be compassionate, because anyone can love from a heart sown in the goodness of God.
Much as all things of virtue have their eternal place, always working reliably for God and for God's purposes, kindness never really fails, as love never fails.
True kindness (is there any other kind?) has this eternal quality. It wins hearts over. Sometimes not immediately, but ultimately, yes, it does. It's reliable.
Our opportunity is sow more and more into this miracle of living that dispels fear. There is no better way to deal with our fear than to fall headlong in love with the love of kindness. Anyone can do that. It's up to us.
So this sort of compassion is a commitment; it is a perpetual journey, day after day, moment by moment, month by month. The more we focus on being kind, the more opportunities for kindness that come before us; the more kindness becomes our way of living.
Kindness is the genesis of forgiveness. It is full of grace and it agrees that anything can be lost but not love.
This sort of compassion has to be a commitment, and when it is it brings life to everyone about us, and in that, we get life. God blesses us in a spiritual understanding of life we have never seen before. And there is no blessing like God's.
Committing to kindness is like committing to God, because we do need to be surrendered in order to be kind.
In kindness is raw beauty. There is no better payback than being compassionate. Our kindnesses reap a multiplicity of blessing, and we're blessed to be a blessing. And now, it's even better, by far, to commit to kindness every moment for the rest of our lives.
(c) 2013 S. J. Wickham.
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Hot cross buns!
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns!
If your daughters do not like them
Give them to your sons;
But if you haven't any of these pretty little elves
You cannot do better than eat them yourselves.
This is the old nursery rhyme, and Good Friday is traditionally associated with Hot Cross buns. I like to slit mine open, place a generous amount of Flora inside and close them up (in the old days butter, but I have to be more health conscious), put them on a tray in the oven, gas mark 4, for about 10 minutes. Out they come, hot, spice and fruity and with melted hot butter within. Scrumptious!
But where did Hot Cross buns originate from?
One old book, from 1939, has this to say about the origins of Hot Cross Buns:
"On the spring equinox the Babylonians served little cakes marked with the Bull's own sign-the same cakes, to mark the same season, that we serve today-except that we call them hot cross buns by mistake."(1)
A more modern book on foods states that:
"hot cross buns began their life in ancient Egypt as bread marked with horns for fertility." (2)
It turns out that they are, in fact, quoting a book from 1980 as their source for this, and that simply asserts, rather than giving any evidence.
There was a tendency, which we can trace in Frazer's Golden Bough as an prime example of the genre, to see all customs as relics of ancient pagan customs. This looks at common elements, like here the eating of bread, and lumps them all together, regardless of differences, or of charting the progression through time. But it looks as if Hot Cross Buns did not originate in the Middle East, simply because the historical record does not find a trace within Christianity until the 18th century, when they emerge, suddenly there. It looks very much as if there is no trace, because there is no connection - 1700 years of silence, then suddenly present - is much more likely because they were invented in the 18th century, not because there was a secret hidden pagan tradition of eating hot cross buns on Good Friday, which was so secret, it has left no trace in any documents at all!
But we find the same pattern with the Victorian Christmas, which is a time of invention, and customs are created, and within a generation, become established as part of custom since time immemorial. Our present Christmas celebrations is largely a Victorian invention, although traces of it do go back earlier - and leave their mark in the historical record. The Christmas crib, for example, was an invention of Francis of Assisi, a visual aid for a largely illiterate common people.
Rosen's Guide to the Religions of America places the custom in England, as an outcome of the "Mass of the Presanctified", a tradition which is still in place today in Roman Catholic Churches and some Anglican Churches (such as St Brelade), and links it to that:
Good Friday -This day commemorates the Crucifixion, which is retold during services from the Gospel according to St. John. A feature in Roman Catholic churches is the Mass of the Presanctified: there is no Consecration, the Host having been consecrated the previous day. The eating of hot cross buns on this day is said to have started in England. (4)
The Yearbook of Festivals traces this back to the Middle Ages, but notes that while bread - connected with the mass and the holy day - had special qualities, we don't find bread marked and eaten as hot cross buns until later:
Good Friday has its fair share of superstitions. Bread baked on this day was considered a curative, especially for children. The custom of eating hot-cross buns, however, is not attested before the eighteenth century, where Poor Robin's Almanac mentions it as a street cry of bakers:
Good Friday comes this Month, the old Woman runs
With one or two a Penny, hot cross Bunns,
Whose Virtue is, if you believe what's said,
They'll not grow mouldy like the common Bread. [Poor Robin ( 1733)]
For Good Friday, hot buns marked with a cross for breakfast... These buns will keep for ever without becoming mouldy, by virtue of the holy sign impressed upon them... in the province of Herefordshire a pious woman annually makes two upon this day, the crumbs of which are a sovereign remedy for diarrhea Southey, Letters from England, XX
The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes notes how this moved from the bakers - eager to sell their buns - to the nursery, where it became a general chant, and a game:
Hence it became a calendar folk-chant, customarily sung by children on Good Friday, when the hot cross buns are eaten for breakfast. The song is now remembered in the nursery throughout the year, and often accompanies the game in which the hands are placed flat in a pile, and the lowest removed and placed on the top, and so on.
The Yearbook of English festivals (7) surmises that the idea of baking having special properties may have its origins in a folk-legend about Jesus.
In contrast to the gloomy conviction that to wash on Good Friday is unlucky, is the widespread belief that to bake is good. This goes back to the legend that when on the way to Golgotha, Christ stopped to rest at the cottage of a woman who was washing. Not wishing to be seen with a common malefactor, the woman threw suds at Jesus and ordered him to leave. He shouldered his cross again and started on his way. He soon came to a cottage where a woman was baking. She offered him a bench to sit on, bread to eat and water to drink. From then on, people have said that women who wash on Good Friday are cursed, but those who bake are blessed.
Perhaps this folk belief accounts for the superstition that Good Friday cross buns possess rare virtues. They will keep all year without growing moldy, and a bit of the loaf, grated and mixed with water, brandy or milk, cures diarrhea and other ailments! In some humble Devonshire and Worcestershire cottages a Good Friday bun hangs from the smoke-stained rafters, since people think the holy bread protects sailors from shipwreck, clothes from moths and corn from mice! In olden days London streets were filled with the cries of the Good Friday bun vendors, who lured the last penny from pockets of the unwary, with reminders, such as:
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
If you have no daughters,
Give them to your sons;
But if you have none of these merry little elves,
Then you may keep them all for yourselves.
Folk legends have a way of finding their way into the public consciousness. It is, after all, an apocryphal tale that presents us with three wise men, and their names; they are not given in Matthew's gospel which just speaks of Magi from the East.
But the actual mutation to Hot Cross buns seems later. As Ronald Hutton notes: " Its first appearance is in the early eighteenth century, and no such treats relieved the dietary gloom of the pre-Reformation Lent."(8). He expands on the notion of special bread, and how that became marked with a cross - curiously, in Protestant England, rather than Catholic England:
During the nineteenth century, across virtually the whole of England and in parts of Wales, folklorists discovered the superstition that bread, buns, or biscuits baked upon this day had especially beneficial powers. They were generally believed never to go mouldy and to be capable of curing diseases, especially intestinal disorders, if eaten. If hung in a house, they were thought to protect it against misfortune. Not merely the day of manufacture was important, however, for like a pre-Reformation host they had to be marked with the sign of the cross.
The faith in them crossed a surprising number of confessional boundaries: thus a lady in the Cambridgeshire fenland village of Brandon Creek manifested it to the full although she was a strict primitive Methodist. Her Good Friday bread was kept in a tin to bring good luck to her family during the following year. Only after a new one had replaced it was the twelve-month-old loaf moistened, rebaked, and eaten on Easter Day by the whole household. The person given the cross was considered especially blessed, and the end slice was thrown into the river Ouse to protect the neighbourhood from floods. Only in Northamptonshire, to illustrate the twists which popular belief was capable of taking, was the tradition reversed, and baking upon Good Friday regarded as unlucky.
That the medieval veneration of the consecrated bread of the mass should have left a profound impact upon the popular imagination is not surprising. That the home-made bread stamped with the cross should be especially associated with Good Friday does, however, call out for some particular explanation, and the one most apparent is surely that the host was most obviously venerated upon this day, in the rite of the sepulchre. By the nineteenth century, these special pieces of bread were known very widely by the name of Hot Cross Buns, and they survived as the traditional Good Friday morning or midday dish in areas where their magical qualities had been forgotten, and they had become commercialized. This happened earliest, naturally enough, in London, where the street vendors' cry "One a-penny, two a-penny Hot Cross Buns" was familiar by 1733.
But there are other Good Friday customs which are also interesting, which are revealed in the Yearbook of English Festivals:
Bees should be shifted on Good Friday and no other day, according to farmers of Devonshire, Herefordshire and Cornwall; while in Dorsetshire, Worcestershire, Norfolk and There is, alas, no mention of the custom of having Conger Soup for the Lent Lunch at St Brelade's Parish Hall, which is a pity. I went there this year, enjoyed the bread and cheese, and then the rich fishy aroma as the soup came to my table. It was singularly delicious, and I enjoyed ever mouthful, until at last my bowl was empty. Like Hot Cross Buns, traditions are invented, but that doesn't make them any less memorable or enjoyable.
(1) Stars and Men. Margaret L. Ionides Stephen A. Ionides, 1939
(2) Food, Consumption and the Body in Contemporary Women's Fiction. Sarah Sceats, 2000.
(3) Consuming Passions: the Anthropology of Eating, Peter Farb and George Armelagos, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1980
(4) A Guide to the Religions of America. Leo Rosten, 1955
(5) The Oxford Companion to the Year. Bonnie Blackburn, Lranc Holford-Strevens, 1999
(6) The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes.Peter Opie, Iona Opie, 1997
(7) Yearbook of English Festivals. Dorothy Gladys Spicer, 1954
(8) The Rise and Fall of Merry England: The Ritual Year, 1400-1700. Ronald Hutton, 1994
(9) The Stations of the Sun, Ronald Hutton,
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If you're interested in review or in sharing this particular series of posts with others, here's a page where each post is linked: Series Links: Jezebel vs Sarah.
As you read, let me again ask that you please be patient with this work, as it unfolds here and in your life.
Continuing from the last post, where do we go after having already come to the bottom line on this whole Jezebel vs Sarah contrast? We walk it out, with the Bridegroom in mind and the hope of being found attractive and worthy before us.
I wrote how that 1 Peter 3:6 presents the model for wives ("Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord") as a parable about the Bride of Christ, but that it's not "merely" a parable. Sarah's obedience, even calling her husband, lord, is an example that is followed by wives who trust God, being in subjection to their husbands. The way of playing church that so many of us are coming out of is a way of make-believe instead of "believe," or trust. We must not deceive ourselves into thinking this matter at hand is theory or an academic exercise. We can't cheat, the Lord won't be fooled. There is no loophole. Don't be a lurker, here, or just a critic. Walk it out in practice and pay the price in shoe leather. The cross and the death of the flesh is before us. And, may I say, Hallelujah! I sure need it, and so do you!
You'll notice I am focusing most of the attention so far on what is required of women. What you should realize is that gender commands in the Bible are biased in content quantity towards women. While it's easier for those who are eager to shine the spotlight of inspection in another direction by dismissing this as a case of Bob, Peter and Paul being gender biased, when the profound secret of Ephesians 5 has really been demystified you will appreciate the extra attention given to how women and wives should behave. I want to see myself in it because I want to be attractive as adorned with the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, trusting God in subjection to my own Husband, Y'shua! I'm hoping you do too! A man should go before his wife, first in humility. If he doesn't, and the wife is faithful to what is required of her, the husband will be humbled, make no mistake.
Is God cruel towards women? Many say, yes. I bet not. I believe he has something wonderful in mind.
8) Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;
9) And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
Hebrews 5:8-9
Ladies, is the Lord going to make everything smooth and easy for you? Don't bet on it. I've never been a woman so I can't speak as one, but I know a few. I am a man, and it's my testimony that learning obedience is a good and necessary thing; far from easy but worth it.
11) But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
12) And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
Matthew 23:11-12
If the truth of the above passage can be denied, the wife as servant model might seem like something quite unappealing, but, when accepted as true, the model appointed to the wife may be seen as one of honor. Men and women both should make note of this, and it will be well with us to keep it in mind. The Bride, who subjects herself willingly and fully, will be exalted. So it is with wives. So it is, too, with every man, woman and child.
Let's return once again to 1 Peter 3 to consider what it looks like when a woman trusts God, being subject to her own husband.
1) In like manner, the wives, be ye subject to your own husbands, that even if certain are disobedient to the word, through the conversation [Strong's G391 - anastrophe: manner of life, conduct, behaviour, deportment] of the wives, without the word, they may be won,
2) having beheld your pure behaviour [anastrophe] in fear,
1 Peter 3:1-2 (YLT)
The NASB offers, "even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word. WAIT? Did Peter actually write, "won WITHOUT A WORD"? Peter had the audacity to write such a thing as that? What was he thinking? Was he an imbecile? Didn't he realize that a woman's tongue may be her greatest weapon? Surely he hated women. Who would want to be his wife and be so abused and devalued? Without a word. Absurd. Ludicrous. "Ok, I'm play-acting here. But, really, this is a common kind of response. When I propose such a thing, repeating the testimony of the scripture, I get this response, and so will you. In our culture today, how could anyone expect such a thing to be taken seriously. Yet, what if the Lord who actually gave the command isn't insane or evil? What if He actually requires obedience instead of lip-service? What if we actually are under a curse because of disobedience with regard to such a command? What if Y'shua is going to use this kind of criteria when He chooses His Bride?
"Without a word." Oh, boy. What a set-up. What a trap! He's got the woman right where He wants her! Dependent! That's right. No, not on her husband, let's not be short-sighted and focused merely on the natural. The dependency is upon God. In the natural, yes, "she is indeed" dependent upon her husband. If there is no God, or no trust in God, the woman is in a real pickle. Do you see it? That's the point! Women who have not faith in God struggle and strive against this.
Jezebel (as any carnal worldly minded woman) HATES being put in such a spot. She will NOT abide it because she operates not by trust in God but the appearance of it. Yet, a dependent woman who abides so faithfully may become the daughter of Sarah. This is the correct model of the Bride of Christ, of those proven dependent, and willing to be dependent. The model of Jezebel is that of Mystery Babylon, the rebellious harlot church.
In 1 Peter 3:2, a very important point must be made. The fear evident when beholding the wife's pure behaviour is not the fear of her husband, for this is a woman who trusts God.
"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
Matthew 10:28
A powerfully effective witness in a marriage relationship is that where a wife trusts God, being in subjection to her husband. In the fear of God, she refrains from speaking even a word of correction to him, "even if certain are disobedient to the word."
It's on this point where the enemy focuses attacks with subtle deception, "even if certain are disobedient to the word." That leaves no way out of dependence, so it must be cloaked as in a dark mist. I fielded a comment recently that recalled a familiar rationalization used to justify disobedience. There are many such kinds. Here is the comment.
"This is good! Can you please also speak to us regarding the verse that says 'we ought to obey God and not man'? As a female, I am often confronted with this verse by well meaning sisters who say that if my husband (a believer) is asking me to do something (i.e. go to a movie that may have violence or bad language) and I feel it is not appropriate for a believer, I should put my foot down and say "no" whether he likes it or not. What are your thoughts?"
Should the church put her foot down before Christ, drawing the line? If the church sets limits and boundaries, Christ is no head. This is Mystery Babylon, what rebellious Jezebel models. There is in that no trust in God, no fear of God, because there is no subjection at all, only the show of it where it conveniently serves Jezebel's level of comfort and personal agenda. It has been oft said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and that adage most certainly applies here.
The enemy knows a good trap. The trap is set, presenting a truth. "We ought to obey God and not man." Certainly. The trap is immediately sprung by twisting a truth into a lie. The lie tempts the woman to sin. If she draws the line she actually disobeys God and obeys man, seizing her husband's authority, even Christ's! She trusts herself, which is more honestly trusting the lies of demons, the rebels Jezebel and Satan. It's a clever trap. Women fall for it, and when the hapless husband, if he's the average believer, hears that rationale, even knowing he's just been kicked to the curb can seldom offer an effective counter measure.
Let's be clear. Am I actually suggesting that the woman draw no line and never put her foot down? Actually, I'm stating pretty plainly that a wife should not even speak a word of correction. I'm simply repeating the clear declaration of the scripture.
1) In like manner, the wives, be ye subject to your own husbands, that even if certain are disobedient to the word, through the conversation [Strong's G391 - anastrophe: manner of life, conduct, behaviour, deportment] of the wives, without the word, they may be won,
2) having beheld your pure behaviour [anastrophe] in fear,
1 Peter 3:1-2 (YLT)
Remember, wives be subject to your own husbands, meaning, "IN LIKE MANNER" as a servant to their master. This draws directly upon 1 Peter 2.
18) Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.
19) For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.
20) For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.
21) For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:
22) Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:
23) Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:
24) Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
25) For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.
1 Peter 2:18-25
You may think, "Oh, Bob, you can't be serious." I am, and those who desire to be found worthy of the Lord at His coming must be serious. I'm not writing this to the fainthearted compromising pseudo-saints committed to Babylon and her daughters. How can we expect to be found worthy when we don't trust Him? That's what this is about! Do we really trust Him, or just make the claim as it seems convenient? Will not the unworthy with hypocrites be cast into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth?
Let me explain the dynamic here, as the understanding has been given to me. As a hypothetical case, suppose a man asks his saintly wife to wear something quite immodest and appear with him in public, decked out even with braids, gold and pearls. She trusts God, and therefore doesn't offer a single word of complaint. Without deliberating on what she should do or even thinking to argue, she complies. She would no more argue with him or seek to correct her head than to argue with or correct his head, Christ. So, off they go. Maybe. Or, possibly, they won't even get that far.
Now, think about it. If the Lord is just and mighty, seeking an obedient child, how is He going to respond to this situation? For woman who take such matters into her own hands, rebelling and usurping her husband's and your own authority, the Lord is under no obligation except to grant demons the authority of the appropriate curses for rebellion. However, for such a woman who has faith, when not a word is spoken because she fears God rather than men and submits to humble obedience, for a woman such as this, He is obliged to respond. At some point, He will encourage obedience and acknowledge this genuine love with a great shower of passionate love! At the first, He is likely to let that woman be humiliated. Otherwise, how can he prove her sincerity. This is how it is with training in discipline. Yet, if that woman proves her love, persisting in obedience, she will find this great faith rewarded beyond measure!
So far as the husband is concerned, how will it go with him, who might command such a precious saint as that as an abusive master. Will not the fear of God come upon him? I say, yes! The husband will know the fear of God whether he lives or dies, because the Lord is just! When I read from 1 Peter 3:2, "having beheld your pure behaviour in fear" I cannot say the fear of God must only apply to the obedient wife. I believe it applies also to the husband!
When we are humbled will we not be exalted, if we abide according to His commands? I pray that the lies of the enemy that have overwhelmed us and robbed us of faith and of the true beauty of adornment with a meek and quiet spirit, which is, before God, of great price, will be overcome with discipleship in Truth. May the love of the Bridegroom be manifested in His beloved as they abide in Him, subject in all things.
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